Working trip to Hungary within the framework of the scientific project on Turkology

7 december, 2023

From November 24 to December 7, 2023, professor Raushan Amirdinovny Avakova, the head of the Department of Turkology and Language Theory of the Faculty of Philology of al-Farabi KazNU, and  her colleagues from the Department  visited  the University of Western Hungary,  in Sopron, in  Hungary within the framework of   "Lexicographic system of common Turkic language phraseology" project.During this working visit, there was an exchange of experience with the  scholars from Hungary   on the project  topic  AP19675130: "Lexicographic system of phraseological units common to Turkic languages". Also the working visit included a scientific  workshop  and work in the university  libraries.

The scholars of the Faculty of Philology of al-Farabi KazNU  took part in  the  scientific workshop  on the topic of a special informative case, connected with the project topic. The workshop was hosted by the University of Western Hungary. Our scholars also  held several seminars at the language faculty of the university.  They delivered a lecture about the lexicographical system of phraseological units common to Turkic languages with subsequent analysis and discussion to  the  students and doctoral students.  Then  there was a proposal  to create a working group that would analyze similarities and differences in the phraseological units of  the Hungarian language and  other Turkic languages.  The scholars of al-Farabi KazNU  listened to the opinions of  scientists about the peculiarities of  "The Word of Ancestors" scientific work, which is of a great importance for  Hungarian linguistics.  The faculty scholars expressed their desire   for further cooperation  within the framework of a scientific project and told  the University of Western Hungary (University of Sopron) . This university in Hungary takes the fifth place by  the number of students.  The university scholars also showed the guests around  the campus  being  located in the main historical city of Western Hungary and having developed educational infrastructure. Today University of Sopron can offer  modern education to approximately twenty thousand students.The scholars  and  the teachers of the faculty told about the life of their departments, showed the guests  their  scientific works  published in recent years and  scientific monographs published on their scientific projects. They  also presented several  books  necessary for  Kazakhstani Turkology. The scholars   discussed the possibility of implementing scientific projects together with the Department of Turkology and Theory of Linguistics of al-Farabi KazNU. Discussing the work of Turkologist Konyra Mandoki, helped create  a list of factors contributing to the achievement of a unified phraseological structure of the Turkic peoples within the framework of the project.The students of Sopron University majoring in philology were told about    the history of al-Farabi  KazNU,  the majors taught at the Department of Turkology and Language Theory,  Turkic Philology, academic mobility of students, etc.

It should also be noted that the schools of al-Farabi KazNU  had the opportunity to participate in the  events not included in   the predetermined calendar plan on  "Lexicographic system of common phraseological units for the Turkish language" AP19675130 project. For example, in connection with transferring  the Scientific Research Institute of Altai studies  from the University of Budapest to the University of Szeged in Szeged, new directions were  added. At this university,  our scholars  got acquainted with the direction of the  work of the  prestigious European research  team engaged in scientific research in the field of Altaic studies and Turkology. The head of the team, Professor Sandor Paff  introduced the guests to  the teaching staff of the center and invited them to the department of books in Altai, Turkish and Eastern languages at  the university library. He spoke about the constant work of  enriching  the collection of books and rare materials. In the future, he assured that the scientific works of al-Farabi KazNU scholars also will be included in this collection.   Most importantly, Mr. Sandor Paff  said  that he is ready to accept one Kazakh master's degree  student and one doctoral student every year at the expense of his university.

One of the planned meetings within the framework of the project "Lexicographic system of common Turkic languages" ZTN AP19675130 was a visit to the museum of the famous Turkologist Konyr Mandoki, where thee guests  were acquainted with  the books written by the scholar, his unfinished scientific works. The wife of Konyra Mandoki, linguist Onaisha Mandoki provided a great assistance in this matter. Our scholars  listened to  an expert's opinion about the level of Turkic language research in Hungary and  knew about  new initiatives and plans having  expressed a desire to work together in a new direction.

Thus, the material and new proposals and ideas collected during the business trip within the framework of the scientific project will  be a good base  for further research   work in the field of Turkology.