4 january, 2024

The president of country,  Kassym-Jomart Tokayev,have the conversation with the editor-in-chief of "Egemen Kazakhstan" Dikhan Kamzabekuly which raised our hopes for the New Year and strengthened our faith.

In order to recognize the character of a certain state, it is very important to determine the basis of its foundation. Of course, this is something that is written in the Constitution of any state. However, it is known that the goals and value preferences of the person holding the handle of the state have a deep impact on the social, political and economic life of the entire country.

The process of consolidation of the system of the independent state of Kazakhstan is developing with reforms to the former Soviet structures. That is why the head of state said: "The process of political modernization continued at a new pace in 2022. "One of the main tasks of the reform is to create the most fair and balanced political system," he emphasized."We started to create a fair and competitive economic system. "We will take careful and planned action, we will continuously move forward to achieve the goal," he said. The "fair" concept mentioned here is the consistent position of the head of state, "Only law and order should prevail in our country. This is an unshakable principle for me," he said, indicating his political taste. Law and state management are the main features of a modern state.There is no doubt that where the law is enforced, order will be maintained. When the head of state spoke about the results of the reform, he said: "We restored the Constitutional Court; within the framework of the constitutional reform, a number of restrictions were placed on the burden. In short, the old system is gone. We can say with confidence that the political reforms in Kazakhstan were not only systematic, but also radical and irreversible. This is of special importance for our country," he believes.Because it is no secret that in some countries that have reformed the structural system, there are backsliding phenomena. That's why he insists that "the rule that the President is elected only once for a period of seven years will not change."

He defined the concept of the head of state in the country's foreign policy and diplomatic relations. He said: "we will continue a constructive and prudent foreign policy, taking into account the interests of the nation"; "Kazakhstan is protecting its national interests and fulfilling its strategic tasks by conducting an effective and prudent foreign policy," he concludes.Also, "we have unchanging goals. This is to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country," he emphasizes. At the same time, it describes our country's relations with Russia and China.Glorifying that relations between Astana and Moscow have been established at a very high level, that Russia is the main partner and ally of Kazakhstan, "during the negotiations, we clarified once again that the strategic partnership and relations between our states will not change from the nature of true friendship", and that Russia is the main trade partner of Kazakhstan. is an economic partner, and the trade turnover of both countries in the first 10 months of 2023 was 21.4 billion dollars. He also describes Vladimir Putin as "a person who influences the global situation with his words and deeds."

Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev, speaking about Kazakh-Chinese relations, said: "Today, relations between Kazakhstan and China are rapidly developing in the spirit of friendship, good neighborliness and eternal strategic partnership. Together with President Xi Jinping, we entered a new "golden thirty years" of cooperation between Kazakhstan and China.

Mutual trade between the two countries is increasing year by year. According to the results of 10 months of 2023, its volume reached 24.3 billion dollars. This is a new record! So far, the PRC has invested 24 billion dollars in our country. "Kazakhstan fully supports China's "One Belt, One Road" mega project," he noted. This position of the head of the state is considered a great support in the situation where the project of our great neighbor is threatened by the international geopolitical situation.

The head of state believes that "there should be no undue fear of China based on the same prejudices or imposed on us from outside." "It is very important for Kazakhstan to effectively use the benefits of friendly relations and mutual trust," he said. According to Abaysha, this can be called the position of "sharing the benefits, staying away from the losses".

The future position of the country was discussed in the interview of the head of state. He looks at the future in relation to history. "History is an important part of our national identity"; "Researching our centuries-old history and restoring historical justice remains one of our main tasks.However, who we were in the past is much more important than who we are now, and most importantly, who we will be in the future"; "We should not live in the past. On the contrary, we should try to perfect our future and prove the greatness of the nation with real deeds. We must beware of blindly imitating foreign cultures, false patriotism, glory and arrogance. We should not turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of our people and get rid of them."All this is particularly important for the future of Kazakhstan, which is living in a time of great instability." I believe that this is the principle to be followed in becoming a forward-thinking nation, the basic principle guiding the education of our people. Because there is the creation of a state, and there is also the education of the people. We created an independent state, unfortunately, we did not pay enough attention to the education of the people, we left space for foreign cultures to absorb their foreign values. Its consequences were fully seen in the January disaster. We should really learn a bitter lesson from this.

The head of state said: "If we want our nation to grow and prosper, we must learn from the good and learn from the bad. Hard work and creativity should be highly valued in the society, education and innovation should be celebrated. As a forward-thinking nation, we should choose a path that will unite our people, not divide them, and look forward. National values should be above all else.Hard work, education, professionalism, unity, solidarity, compassion, entrepreneurship, initiative, honesty, simplicity and frugality are the qualities and values ​​of a true patriot and loyal citizen. they will. We can become a quality nation only by glorifying such virtues and values ​​and inculcating them in the minds of the next generation." I believe that these should be the main principles of national education.

When the head of state mentioned the issue of "loyalty" at the National Congress, we thought. In this interview, he clarified for whom to be honest. "The loyalty of the citizens working under my supervision to the idea of creating a just Kazakhstan is much more important than to me," he stressed. Let's compare, let's say that China is the country where the issue of "honesty" is discussed the most.Not to mention the past history, in this era people's loyalty to pariah, loyalty to the Party Center, loyalty to the leader of the Center is glorified every day and absolute loyalty is considered with oil lamp. It goes without saying that the difference between being loyal to the state and being loyal to an individual is like heaven and earth. Of course, loyalty is a requirement depending on the nature of the state. From this it is not difficult to understand the nature of the country.

In the interview of the head of state, I believe that the foundations and values ​​of our country are based on national and even universal values, and the programmatic nature of progress is important.




Nabizhan Mukamethanuly 

Professor of KazNU named after Al-Farabi