We sincerely congratulate Kondybaeva Saltanat Kanapiyaevna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer in the Department of Economics at the Higher School of Economics and Business on being awarded the title “Best University Teacher of 2023”. In this direction, based on achievements in the field of science and education, it ensures SDG 4 - quality education. We wish that all your work in the field of science and education, scientific work with students will be appreciated.
Since 2014 Kondybaeva S.K. works as deputy head of the Department of Economics for scientific and innovative work and international relations. In 2018, she worked as a visiting professor at the Bialystok University of Technology in Poland. As a part of her professional activities at KazNU named after Al-Farabi actively participates in many international conferences and seminars, scientific projects, and shows high-level results. For example: awarding by the publishing house of the Association of Universities of Kazakhstan for a scientific publication in the “Best Article” competition; awarding the “Best Young Scientist” prize to Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and within the framework of the project “Spiritual revival, new humanitarian education, 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language”, participation in the translation of English-language books into the Kazakh language, organized by the National Translation Bureau on the basis of the project, - just one of the achievements.