The new logo of KazNU was approved

10 january, 2024

In Al-Farabi KazNU at the regular meeting of the Academic Council approved the updated logo of KazNU, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of education. The decision was made as a result of an open vote of all members of the Academic Council.

"The new logo of the university indicates the year of its foundation and the optimal combination of colors. Mountains and mountains on the logo symbolize the steady development of the university, the aspiration to the heights. The logo fully and brightly reflected the purpose and direction of the university", - said the corporate secretary of the Board of Directors of KazNU Karlygash Useinova, who made a report on the approval of the new logo of the university.

January 15 of this year marks the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. In this regard, in November 2023, the university administration announced a national competition among designers, undergraduates, students to update the logo. It was attended by more than 80 applicants who presented their projects.

The university administration and members of the commission of famous designers analyzed and evaluated the works submitted to the contest and determined the winners. The work that won first place was sent to the competition commission under the pseudonym "Farabi".

The artist-designer, the author of this work, asked not to disclose his name and said that if he wins the competition he will give up the prize fund. He also said that being an alumnus of the educational institution, he wants to make a special gift to the 90th anniversary of KazNU and will present the copyright to the university. The jury unanimously recognized this project as the best.


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University