КазНУ продолжает сотрудничество с Санкт-Петербургским государственным университетом

25 january, 2024

Rifkat Mukhamedrakhimov, Professor of the Psychology Department of St. Petersburg State University, visited the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

At the meeting, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Bekzhan Meirbayev, faculty professors - Gulmira Abdrayimova, Aigerim Mynbayeva, Nursulu Algozhaeva, Maira Kabakova with Rifkat Mukhamedrakhimov discussed the directions of professional cooperation between the two universities.

In turn, Prof. Rifkat Zhaudatovich expressed confidence that this visit will be the beginning of cooperation in the field of education and science and establishment of close friendship. During the meeting, the mechanisms of joint work were discussed, in particular, such plans as strengthening double degree programs, opening exchange programs for students on academic mobility, establishing close ties with the dissertation council, participation in large and small state grant projects. In addition, he shared his experience in the educational program "Clinical Psychology" in the context of his scientific interests. 

During the discussion of the prospects for further development of cooperation between the two universities, Dean of the Faculty Bekzhan Meirbaev pointed out the possibilities of implementing joint projects aimed at attracting scientists of the Faculty to joint research work, as well as expanding scientific and educational communication, and made a proposal: implementation of joint scientific projects, scientific events; activation of double degree programs and consideration of the possibility of entering two specialties.

Prof. Rifkat Mukhamedrakhimov gave a brief overview on the plan of events to be held during his visit. In particular, master classes will be held on mother-child relations, family psychology and development of children in orphanages, mental health of young children and their parents.

Following the meeting, the parties, hoping for further cooperation, identified future directions of projects in the field of psychology, sociology and pedagogy.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University