Department of Archaeology of KazNU presented the online exhibition "Ethnoexpedition"

26 january, 2024

The Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and Museology of the Faculty of History of Al-Farabi KazNU prepared a virtual exhibition on the results of scientific field ethnographic expeditions.

The online exposition presents materials of ethnographic expeditions: "Syr-Aral - 2012-2014", "Arid Zones of Kazakhstan - 2018-2020", "Moyinkum, Kyzylkum - 2021-2023". Expeditions are held annually to study ethnographic monuments.

The scientific director of field ethnographic expeditions is Professor of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and Museology, Candidate of Historical Sciences Tattigul Kartaeva.

The virtual photo exhibition "Ethnoexpedition" introduces the peculiarities of the Kazakh people's traditional knowledge about the environment, the making and installation of the traditional dwelling kiiz uy (yurt), the culture of decorating the dome of the yurt - shanyrak, as well as methods of water use, in particular, digging and construction of wells. The walls of wells were reinforced with stone, bricks and branches of such trees and shrubs as willow, zhuzgun, heather, saxaul and tamarix.

During ethno-expedition research, along with existing types of active-use wells, some types of old-growth wells were identified as endangered and requiring immediate protection. The photographs show such forms of economic activity as the construction of cattle pens, animal records such as camel tagging, as well as household management and observance of rituals. They reflect the life and livelihoods of Kazakhs living in Northern Kyzylkum, Aralsk and Mangystau.

Special attention is drawn to the preservation of ethnographic monuments in the sacred places of the Syr-Aral and western regions of Kazakhstan - mausoleums, types of stone tombstones (kulpytas, sandyktas, koitas, koshkartas), as well as types of stone carvings as unique examples of ancient decorative and applied art of the Kazakh people.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University