Farabieology is the main focus of my scientific endeavors.

29 january, 2024

I have been reading the newspaper "Qazaq universiteti" since 1976 and publish popular science articles in it. This newspaper holds a special place for both scientists and students. The newspaper has been published since 1948. That is the same age as me.

Currently, the newspaper "Qazaq universiteti" is published both in traditional paper and electronic form. And now, if we talk about the fact that I have lived in S. Kirov KazSU, that is, in Al-Farabi KazNU for almost fifty years. Back in 1976 I entered the post-graduate course at the department of history of philosophy and logic of this university, where I became a pupil of the then head of the department, doctor of philosophical sciences, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, famous farabi, famous scientist Kasymzhanov Khairollaevich. The philosophical school of A. Kasymzhanov brought great spiritual changes in my life. Since that time Kazakh philosophy, farabology became the main purpose of my scientific searches.

I would say that all my scientific life is connected with Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi and the publication "Qazaq universiteti", which is 75 years old today.

Scientific research work of student, postgraduate, candidate, doctor, professor is fully connected with this newspaper "Qazaq universiteti". When the name of Al-Farabi, considered for centuries, is mentioned, we are all mistaken. The interest in learning Al-Farabi conquered my soul. My heart and mind were in this Al-Farabi. Because in Kazakhstan the interest to the heritage of Abu-Nasir Al-Farabi began from 60-70s of the XX century, and Kazakhstan became one of the largest centers of Farabism in the world. At the beginning of Kazakhstani Farabi studies, the names of A. Mashani, A. Kubes, A. Mashani, A. Kubes, and A. Kubes were named as the founders, discoverers, translators, and bearers of the heritage. Mashani, A. Kubesov, A. Alimzhanov, and in 1968 a creative group for the study of Al-Farabi's heritage was established at the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. The group was coordinated by Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. H. Kasymzhanov.

The life path and encyclopedic scientific heritage, the spiritual world of Abu Nasr al-Farabi began to attract the attention of scholars of that time even during his lifetime. After Farabi's death, these studies were filled with the works of scholars writing in various languages of the world and turned into a whole field of science" Farabiana". This same heritage that makes up the Farabiana can be roughly divided into five groups. The first group includes the works of medieval Arab, Persian scholars. The second group includes another large field of Farabiyan studies of the XIX-XX centuries. Supplemented by scholars from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Afghanistan. The third group in Farabi studies consists of Western authors. The interest in Farabi's heritage in this field began from the 15th century. The fourth group of Farabi studies includes orientalists of tsarist Russia and Soviet times, and the fifth group of Farabi studies includes the works of scientists of Turkic-speaking nations.

In the newspaper "Qazaq universiteti" these above-mentioned events were published in different years, step by step. I am a scientist-secretary in the Scientific Research Center of Al-Farabi, in a leading position and now in scientific advisory activity I publish in this newspaper my opinions, scientific conclusions on the issues of Farabiye studies, general scientific issues.

Thanks to the above-mentioned scientific creative group, a thorough study of the works, manuscripts of the great scientist Al-Farabi has been started. In the last quarter of the last century, the works of A. Kasymzhanov, M. Burabayev, A. Derbisaliyev, K. Zharykbayev, G. Shaimukhanbetov, S. Satybekova expanded the Kazakhstani Farabology space. For the first time, Al-Farabi's "philosophical treatises", "socio-ethical treatises", "logical treatises", "mathematical treatises", and "commentary on Ptolemy's Almagest" were published in Kazakh-Russian. In the 1970s, a special interest in the philosophical heritage of Al-Farabi (870-950) emerged in the academic environment of Soviet society. At first glance, this one noble legacy appeared in the thinker's homeland in Central Asia, as well as in Russia and throughout the Soviet Union, to be one that was only beginning to be known or had long been unknown to the intellectual community. This interest stemmed to some extent from the desire of Central Asian philosophers, educated in Russia and academically honed, to create an intellectual profile for their regions. In 1970, a translation of excerpts of selected philosophical treatises by Al-Farabi was made in Almaty, followed by excerpts of his treatises on mathematics, social and ethical issues, and logic. Further works devoted to summarizing Al-Farabi's contribution to the history of philosophy, compiled in accordance with the principles of Soviet ideology, began to appear.

In Kazakhstan, the name of Al-Farabi became especially popular in the 70s of the XX century. First of all it was connected with the fact that in IX-X centuries humanists Al-Farabi considered Farab, located on the territory of modern Kazakhstan, as his homeland.

We are talking about little-known pages of Farabi studies, about the article of Mustafa Shokai, an outstanding citizen of Alash, which still remains unknown. How he scientifically substantiated the doctrine of the great thinker of the Turkic world, philosopher, scientist, second teacher Al-Farabi "Good City". I prefer to express my thoughts on how this position of the figure defended and saved the Turkic heritage from attempts to bring it closer to nationalist and fascist ideology in general. This article by Shokay, published after his death by his European friends, was highly praised. A lengthy article about it was published in the newspaper "Qazaq universiteti".

In conclusion, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, which this year will be celebrated, recently in the famous publishing house "Ғylym" published my scientific monograph "the golden age of Turkic-Muslim philosophy and Al-Farabi", which has more than 800 pages. The preface to this monograph was written by the rector of the university, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Zhanseit Tuimebaev. Also to the 90th anniversary of the university together with the student, young scientist Kanat Altynbek published a monograph "The phenomenon of Al-Farabi in Turkish civilization", senior lecturer of the Department of Philosophy Zhadyra Kazieva, young scientist Kanat Altynbek published scientific monographs "The origins of Islamic philosophy of Al-Farabi".

I congratulate the staff of the newspaper On the 75th anniversary of the newspaper "Qazaq universiteti", which promotes the vitality of our university, highlights the merits and achievements of scientists and teachers, as well as students, contributes to the development of the university, as well as on the 90th anniversary of the hearth of education. May our newspaper and our university prosper!

Zhakypbek ALTAEV,

Professor, Department of Philosophy, Scientific Advisor, Al-Farabi International Research Center