School for young scientists «Countering Child Trafficking: International legal experience and practice of Kazakhstan»

29 january, 2024

On January 26-27, 2024, the international winter School for young scientists «Countering Child Trafficking: International legal experience and practice of Kazakhstan» was held at the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university and its contribution to achieving SDG No. 16 «Peace, Justice and effective institutions».

The opening of the international school was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, PhD Delovarova L.F. and the head of the Department, PhD in Law, Associate Professor Sairambayeva Zh.T.

The International Winter School was organized by the Department of International Law within the framework of the project «Kazakhstan's Actions in combating human trafficking» with the support of the US Department of State, implemented by Winrock International. This training program provides participants with knowledge about the general characteristics of child trafficking, response measures and the provision of services.

Within the framework of the international school, trainings on topical issues of prevention and combating child trafficking were presented. We express special gratitude to the speakers – representatives of NGOs: D.V. Bakyt of “Rodnik”, T.T. Sametova, Director of the ISKER Support Center, Z.O. Otarbayeva, Director of the Almaty Regional Specialized Children's Home of the Department of Health of the Almaty Region, for interesting and practical master classes in training public defenders against child trafficking.

The master classes were also presented by the teaching staff, who raised topical issues: PhD Delovarova L.F. «The role of the Academic Regional Resource Center for Information on the United Nations in the implementation of programs to prevent human trafficking and promote safe migration», PhD Baimagambetova Z.M. «Ensuring the protection of the rights of victims of human trafficking», senior lecturer Baitukayeva D.U. «Prevention of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children (PSEA) UNISEF, PhD Otynshiyeva A.A. «International legal instruments for combating child trafficking», Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of KazNPU named after Abay Seralieva A.M. «Human trafficking as a global phenomenon», senior lecturer at the Makan Esbulatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police Major A.A. Zhiengalieva «The role of law enforcement agencies in the investigation of human trafficking offenses».

The practical part of the training was conducted in groups in the form of case solving: students, undergraduates and doctoral students actively participated and offered their options for solving situations in the role of representatives of government agencies, law enforcement agencies, medical institutions, NGO specialists, public defenders.

The expert was M.K. Samaldykov, candidate in Law, Associate Professor, who analyzed the results of the discussion and gave practical legal recommendations for the participants of the international winter school on prevention, prevention and combating crimes related to human trafficking.

International students and undergraduates from China and Afghanistan shared their experience of volunteering in international organizations for the protection of children's rights.