1 february, 2024

Zhatkanan Zhaghatbaev-an outstanding figure, honored figure of prosperity of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, higher education and development of science of Kazakhstan, which this year turned 90 years old. She is a purposeful personality of the Higher School of Kazakhstan, who showed fundamental thinking, great search, will, an example of hard work, which became a source of energy for the process of continuous improvement of the quality of education and science, turning into one whole treasure.

Yerzhan Baigozhaevich was born in 1944 in Talgar district of Almaty region in the village of mountain-bakhchaly Beskainar. What he saw when he opened his eyes was an amazingly beautiful azhar, juniper and shyrsh Tengri. There is a legend about junipers and shyrsh tengirtau, which is told by the old believers of Beskainar village. According to the legend, the Swallow, having found the water of eternal youth, swung one of its sips and flew to people. In one of the Swallow's sips, the water of eternal youth seeded the people and gave them a life of eternal youth. Knowing this, sona herself wants to drink the water of eternal youth in the swallow's mouth. Sona with this thought stands in front of the swallow and bites it. When Sona bites, the swallow's soul became sick and said: "Ah!" Then the water of eternal youth in the swallow's mouth spilled over the firs and junipers of Tengrizatau. The spruces and junipers of Tengrizatau retained the creative nourishment of the water of eternal youth. For this reason, the fir trees are constantly growing and the juniper fruits are medicinal.

The legend is told with sincere enthusiasm by village people. Yeran Baigozhauly also supports his fellow villagers. Searching the origins of the legend, I found several versions of it published in distant times. One version was collected and compiled by Count A. P. Bennigsen and published in the collection "legends of Central Asia" published in St. Petersburg in 1912. Since then I remember with great pleasure the legend told by fellow villagers of Baigozhauly. I feel that my love for the deity, for his swallow, fir trees and junipers is also growing. When I notice Baigozhauly's special affection for Tengirtau, his fir trees and junipers, I feel very excited....

An important place in the formation of Bayan Baigozhaevich as a citizen, scientist, teacher is occupied by the years of education and training at the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov (1962-1968). Moscow State University at that time was one of the leading universities in the world. At that time there was no more gigantic university than it in the Soviet Union. Five years of study at such a university, the accumulated knowledge gained from the training "Economist. Teacher of economic theory", deepening of knowledge and skills in the postgraduate program of this university, mastering the basics of research activity of Yeran Baigozhauly became an unshakable solid foundation, a source of attention for himself and for others. In 1979 he defended his candidate's thesis on economic sciences, in 1995 - doctoral thesis. Holding scientific and pedagogical positions in the sphere of higher education, he received the academic rank of associate professor, professor, was elected a member of national and international academies of sciences.

After completing postgraduate studies at Moscow State University, Yerzhan Baigozhaevich began his labor activity as an assistant in the system of higher education. In 1979-84 he worked as an inspector in the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 1984 he has honorably held the positions of senior lecturer, associate professor, head of department, dean of faculty, director of Institute, pro-rector of Kazakh National University. Currently he is a professor of the Department of Management and Marketing at the Higher School of Economics and Business of the University.

Prof. E. Zhagatbaev, teaching at the prestigious national university of Kazakhstan, has made a great contribution to the development of science of the Higher School. According to the results of research work published about 300 fundamental scientific works, Selected works were published in scientific editions of Russia, India, Slovakia, Poland, Turkey, Australia and other countries. During the next five years four textbooks, two textbooks and one monograph were published. The main results of the research are implemented in production, used in the educational process in the form of textbooks and manuals, lecture courses, monographs are used in the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff. Among the fundamental works of the scientist - "Russian-Anglo-Kazakh financial and banking dictionary" (Almaty, 2006), "Nobel Prize winners in economics" (Almaty, 2008).

Works of the author on the issues of state and market management, the basics of economic theory, the basics of mixed economy, history and theory of economic doctrines, national interests of Kazakhstan and globalization, state regulation of the economy, methods of scientific research in economics and other relevant scientific problems are valuable strength of methodological basis, depth of scientific and theoretical significance, high social significance and effectiveness. At the same time it is necessary to emphasize the teacher's textbook "state regulation of the economy" (Almaty: Economy, 2014). The textbook considers mechanisms, mechanisms, methods and techniques, means of state regulation of the economy, regularities of their functioning and other important theoretical and practical problems. In the conditions of globalization, a superficial notion has arisen that the economy is regulated by the market itself, which remains unchanged in a number of specialists. Conducting fundamental scientific research in the direction of state regulation of the country's economy, preparing the results of research for practical application, studying the textbook "state regulation of the economy" for students of higher educational institutions in conditions of incomplete substantiation of the essential characteristics of state regulation of the economy, when it is not sufficiently defined how and to what extent state bodies regulate economic processes, what approaches and tools they can use pi E. Zhagatbaev's textbook has become a new scientific discipline, a new academic discipline based on scientific achievements of great scientific and practical importance on topical problems of public administration and regulation of the country's economy. Trudzhanan Baigozhaevich's textbook has become an intellectual value of Kazakh science and education, the Higher School of Kazakhstan.

Leader of the Higher School of Independent Kazakhstan Yeran Baigozhauly during the whole period of renewal and modernization of economic science and economic education in the research university has managed to become a serious beginner, ambitious organizer, qualified manager. The Faculty of Philosophy and Economics of the University was reorganized in 1991 into two faculties: the Faculty of Economics and Sociology; the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science. Yeran Baigozhaevich was appointed to the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology. Yeran Baygozhaevich worked on the specialties of the faculty, on the levels of organization, management, execution, definition of the content of new education for each academic discipline of the specialty, creation of new normative-legal bases of education, providing the educational process with new teaching aids, full implementation of the transition to a new system of education. In 1997 the Institute of Economics and Law was established on the basis of two faculties of the University. Yeran Baigozhaevich, Vice-Rector of the University for International Relations and Educational and Methodical Work, who held two part-time positions of Vice-Rector-Director, was appointed Director of the Institute. In 2005 the Institute was reorganized into the Faculty of Economics and Business. The management of the reorganized faculty was entrusted to Yeran Baigozhaevich. On the basis of these changes, transformations there were huge works, difficulties. These were not difficulties in managing a certain branch or a certain structural unit, but difficulties in managing a complex system. The weight of these difficulties also fell on Najanan Baigozhaevich. He did not retreat neither from the gravity nor from the difficulties of the business entrusted to him, worked tirelessly, high culture of management, competence and competence in the field of theory and practice, management technology led to noble results in every case.

In scientific and pedagogical activity Erekshean Baigozhaevich pays special attention to the training of highly qualified specialists. Preparation of doctors of philosophy (PhD) is not an easy task. There are several reasons. First, young people who become PhDs are accepted for training not by the choice of a scientific advisor-head, but on the basis of a general competition in accordance with the requirements approved by the Ministry. Secondly, among the doctoral students admitted on a competitive basis in accordance with the relevant requirements, if there is one applicant who meets the requirements of the scientific advisor-guide, then it is an achievement of science. Education, teaching is a special creative work. The knowledge offered by a teacher is like the water of eternal youth in one swallow of a swallow, giving it creative qualities. If the knowledge offered by the teacher is accepted by the pupil with all the dedication, demanded, demanded, constantly demanded, persistently demanded, demand and labor are always combined with deep thinking, then the creative quality of the knowledge that comes with the teacher's labor is revealed. The germination of the teacher's labor means that the knowledge given by the teacher is scattered like a mountain Christmas tree throughout life with creative qualities in the mental space of the student.

No winged phrases, no architectural reflections on education, teacher and student. The teacher will be genuinely pleased if he finds that he has one sought gem of knowledge. If such a success is achieved by the teacher's pupil, it will delight him more than the teacher's pupil. Such a true flower of joy is rare in the lives of teacher and pupil, and though rare, it is of great vital value.

Among more than 40 doctors and candidates of sciences, doctors of philosophy (PhD), brought up by Baigozhauly mapelep, there were those who admired, admired, admired talent, skill and deep intelligence. Among them were those who chose the same path of teaching as himself, combining science and knowledge.


Director of the Abai Research Institute, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor.