The student reading club has been revived once again

5 february, 2024

The scientific library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University revived student literary and cognitive reading club.

The purpose of the association "FARAB" is to fulfill the instructions of the President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, propaganda of creativity of writers of Kazakhstan, classics of world literature. The head of state said: "Only a reading nation can become truly intellectual. We must awaken the younger generation's interest in reading books".

The club forms reading culture among students, as well as identifies and encourages young poets of universities.

Director of the center "Rukhani zhangiru" of Al-Farabi KazNU, writer Nurgali Oraz said: The proverb "Book is a source of knowledge, knowledge is the light of life" has not lost its relevance to date. Throughout the history of mankind precious heritage of science and knowledge, preserved since ancient times, is transmitted to us through books. At the same time, the opening of today's reading club is a great opportunity for young people to familiarize themselves with fiction from the rich book fund of the library".

"I'm very happy that the reading club started today. Because. I am one of those readers who look for their favorite authors. When I read different fiction, I develop spiritually. At the same time, the library fund is replenished from year to year, providing all the conditions for young people studying", - says Araylim Zeberkhan, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Philology.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University