Round table on the Sustainable Development Goals

31 january, 2024


What are the SDGs and how are they interconnected? What is the role of contemporary culture in achieving the SDGs? Is culture ready to offer tools for monitoring the SDGs? How do global SDGs and national priorities of Kazakhstan fit together?

These and many other questions were discussed at the Round Table «Modern solutions of Kazakhstan in the framework of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and mechanisms for their achievement», which was held on 31 January 2024 at the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.

The reports were made by the 3rd year students of the speciality «Cultural Anthropology» Arnurkyzy Gulnur and Abdurakhmanova Hilola, as well as by the 1st year master students of the speciality «Cultural Anthropology» Almakhanova Nazerke, Tansyk Zhanar, Ernst Erkinay and Smail Stella. The experts were

Organiser of the round table - Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Zholdubayeva A.K.