Integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) issues in English language classrooms:the case of al-Farabi Kazakh National University

4 september, 2023

Integrating SDGs into education offers a transformative educational experience to foster awareness, critical thinking, and active engagement. This article explores KazNU’s initiatives to integrate SDGs into English education, creating a transformative pedagogy that enhances students’ language skills while fostering a sense of global citizenship and environmental responsibility.

In an era marked by global challenges, the role of education goes beyond mere knowledge transfer; it is about equipping students to navigate complex issues and contribute to a sustainable world. The SDGs are a set of 17 global objectives to address various social, economic, and environmental challenges by 2030 that provide a comprehensive framework for building a sustainable future. Universities are crucial in preparing the next generation to address global challenges. 

Integrating SDGs into English language teaching goes beyond the traditional language acquisition process. It enriches the learning experience by offering a range of benefits that extend beyond traditional language learning..

Discussing SDGs encourages students to use language for practical purposes beyond academic exercises and critical thinking as students analyse complex global challenges in debates, discussions, and projects that require them to communicate effectively, enhancing their language proficiency..Next, learning about SDGs exposes students to diverse global issues, cultures, and experiences. This approach exposes students to diverse cultures, perspectives, and approaches to sus­taina­bility. Last but not least,  most minor benefit of incorporating SDGs into English education is that it lends itself well to project-based learning. Students work collaboratively on projects related to real-world issues, enhancing research, presentation, and teamwork skills. It equips students with the tools to communicate their ideas effectively and persuasively. 

Thus, integrating SDGs into English education transforms language learning into a dynamic and relevant experience and, what is most important, educators contribute to raising a generation of informed, conscious individuals ready to address global challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute positively to a sustainable future.

To gain the benefits mentioned above from the pedagogical perspectives, the Foreign Languages Department is implementing  initiatives to integrate SDGs into Language Education in several steps (Figure 1). 

Step 1: Curriculum Enhancement.

SDG-Infused Literature: Selecting literary works that resonate with SDG themes, fostering critical thinking and empathy.

SDG-Integrated Projects: Assigning projects where students investigate and propose solutions to real-world challenges aligned with specific. Students  create presentations, debates, or research papers focusing on language skills while addressing SDG-related challenges.

Step 2: Faculty Training.

SDG Pedagogy: Equipping teachers with pedagogical strategies to design lessons that link language instruction with SDGs, encouraging students to discuss, debate, and write about SDG-related topics.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between language instructors and experts from various disciplines..

Step 3: Experiential Learning

Learning extends beyond the classroom through experiential opportunities that allow students to apply language skills to real-world scenarios related to SDGs.

Community Engagement: Collaborating with local NGOs and organizations working on SDG-related projects. Students engage in community service, volunteer work, conduct interviews, and create awareness campaigns, enhancing lan­gua­ge skills while making a positive impact.

Global Partnerships: Fostering international exchanges with students from universities worldwide facing different sustainability challenges to facilitate virtual collaboration.

Step 4: Student-Led Initiatives. 

SDG Clubs:. These clubs organize events, workshops, and awareness campaigns, creating a platform for students to initiate change.

Innovation Competitions: Hosting competitions challenge students to develop innovative solutions to local or global sustainability challenges.

From the didactic perspective, Foreign languages department teachers utilize the following integration strategies:  

1.   Incorporate Relevant Materials: Utilising articles, videos, and literature related to sustainable development, climate change, poverty, and other SDG-related topics as reading and listening materials. 2. Discussion and Debate: Engaging students in discussions and debates about global issues and potential solutions. 3. Project-Based Learning: Assigning projects that require students to research and propose solutions to specific SDG-related challenges. 4. Language for Advocacy: Teaching language structures and vocabulary needed for advocating and raising awareness about SDGs. 5.   Cultural Exchange: Exploring diverse cultures and their perspectives on sustainable development.

As part of the implementation of SDG initiatives, teachers of the Foreign Languages Department conduct educational activities on an ongoing basis. For example, this year, A.K. Shayakhmet and A.Zh. Otetileuova held the event "Earth Day 2023" within the framework of the university program "Green Campus". Students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies took an active part and tried to show the relevance of saving Mother Earth. With the help of artificial posters, dramatisations, songs and poems, the students tried to convey the need to preserve and protect our Land for future generations. The students also made a video dedicated to Earth Day under the slogan "Save the environment!"

Another exciting event was held by teachers Ushkempirov B.A., Zhubanova K.H., Kuralova A.T. and Ermakhanbet N.R. on the topic "Affordable and environmentally friendly energy". The round table was employed with1st-yearFaculty of Mechanics and Mathematics students andspecial guest Sudan Emadeldin Abdallah Hassan Elamin, aFaculty of Medicine and Healthcare student.

Aisultanova K.A., Aliyarova L.M., Musanova G.A., Utegenova K.C. and Atabayeva G.K. organised a round table on the topic "Poverty eradication" within the framework of the UN program: "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)". The event was attended by first-year students of the Faculty of History, students of the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and first-year students of the University of Karabuk Turkey and Istanbul Technical University.

.Students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Sudan students prepared presentations, videos and games on a given topic, adapted a world-famous fairy tale on ecology and shared interesting information. The event was informativeand thought-provoking; almost every student gained valuable knowledgeand experience. The round table was held offline and online in Kazakh and Englishlanguages.

The republican conference on the topic: Qualitative Education within the UN Program: Sustainable Development Goals was devoted to the issue of quality education within the SDGs, organised by GumarovaSh.B., Isabaeva B.K., Rustemova A.I., Orazaeva G.A. in collaboration with the GumilevEurasian National University colleagues.It is worth noting that the conference participants took a very responsible approach to "Quality education" as the case is global and discussed nationally and internationally. The reports were interesting, informative and covered information ranging from university rankings to students' sports and cultural life.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University’s holistic approach to integrating SDGs into teaching English reflects a commitment to shaping well-rounded, conscientious individuals. By intertwining language proficiency with global awareness and sustainability values, the university cultivates graduates with skills and mindsets to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world..

Perizat Yelubayeva,

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor at

Foreign Languages Department

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