KazNU scientists have developed biofertilizers based on low-grade coal

11 february, 2024

Scientists from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University have developed biofertilizers based on low-grade coal and bacteria solubilizing coal.

The main goal of the project is to solve the problems of soil salinization in Kazakhstan and utilization of low-grade coal.

Specialists of the Kazakh-German-Chinese International Research Laboratory of Applied Microbiology produce the product in two forms: liquid and powder. Fertilizers are biologically pure, which not only increases the productivity of agricultural crops, but also is not harmful to humans and the environment.

"Soil salinization is a serious environmental problem on a global scale that negatively affects soil health and plant productivity. Today, the traditional method of solving this problem is the use of fertilizers based on chemical synthesis. But even with good, effective results, this method will negatively affect the soil. And our product is safe and profitable not only for economic, but also for agricultural sphere", - says junior researcher of KazNU Bekzat Kamenov.

To date, scientists continue research work on the project. In the near future, biofertilizer production will be established. Recently the scientists signed a contract for the implementation of the commercialization project.

The work was carried out under the project "Zhas ғalym" IRN AP13268305.

Press-seervice of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University