Sustainable Development Goals – a pathway to transforming the world

13 february, 2024

The Sustainable Development Goals, recommended in 2015 by the UN General Assembly, are today a necessary solution to economic, social, and environmental issues. The main theses of the Sustainable Development Goals are the ideas of reasonable consumption of natural and material resources, preservation of social and economic stability. 

In September 2023, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev participated in the UN Summit on Sustainable Development Goals and in his speech emphasized that the United Nations 2030 Agenda is the only chance given to the younger generation to build a prosperous future. The Head of State emphasized that achieving the SDGs is a national priority for Kazakhstan.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in turn, actively supports 17 key concepts of sustainable development. During the 2023-2024 academic year, as part of the SDGs, the Faculty of Philology regularly organises classes and events with the participation of students, master's students, doctoral students and university lecturers.

The Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Philology contributes to the implementation of the UN program by organizing joint national events. This effort aims to develop the country's intellectual potential and train professional staff capable of working at the forefront of research and technology.

In this article we aim to present a report of the variety of events held by the Foreign Language Department teachers during the 1st semester with the purpose to introduce Al-Farabi student community to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Goals.

On October 13, 2023, master's students of the Higher School of Economics and Business of KazNU under the guidance of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G.K. Kulzhanbekova in association with students and master's students of the 1-2 course of E.A. Buketov Karaganda University and S.B. Dzhangeldinova held a digital teleconference dedicated to the implementation of sustainable development goals in the field of tourism and education.On October 18, 2023, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages A.K. Shayakhmet, M.T. Jamaldinova, G.B. Almabaeva, A.J. Otetleuova within the framework of the university project of cooperation with the United Nations and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals held a round table "The Aral Sea crisis and global water problems". The invited speaker was Professor of the University of Maryland Doctor of Philosophy Sarah Cameron.

On November 17, 2023, senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology A.A. Muldagaliyeva, D.M. Makhmetova, I.G. Orazbekova, E.I. Lugovskaya, Z.S. Nesipbaeva, Sh.S. Duisenbaeva, K.A. Zhirenshina together with the teacher of Abai KazNPU O.A. Ismailova and colleagues from Dulati Taraz Regional University held a student online conference on the theme: "Revitalizing global partnership for sustainable development". This event was attended by students and master students of Al-Farabi KazNU, Abay KazNPU, Dulati TarGU, Ostrava Technical University (Czech Republic), Czech University of Natural Sciences (Czech Republic).

On 4 November 2023, the Graduate School of Medicine (GSOM), Faculty of Medicine and Public Health held an event dedicated to SDG 5: "Ensure gender equality and empower all women and girls". The round table, organized by the teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages A.A. Abduzhappar, F.M. Mukazhanova, was held with the participation of foreign students of specialty "General Medicine", Graduate School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, and Public Health.

On 24 November 2023, within the framework of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, the Department of Foreign Languages held a round table on the theme: "Corruption as an obstacle to improve the efficiency of public administration", dedicated to the International Day against Corruption. The event participants were teachers of the department K.A. Aisultanova, G.K. Atabayeva, G.A. Musanova, D.J. Tektibayeva, students and masters of Al-Farabi KazNU, students of Civil Aviation Academy, masters of Baku State University. The speakers spoke in detail about the direct and indirect links between corruption and various SDGs, emphasizing how corruption affects poverty eradication, quality education, access to health care, gender equality, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.

In conclusion, the Sustainable Development Goals are not only beneficial for the improvement of the economic and environmental situation in the world, but also have a positive impact on each individual, especially on students and the younger generation as a whole, making them more aware and responsible for a better future for the world in which they will live in.


K.A. Zhirenshina,

A.C. Utebekova,

Foreign Language

Department teachers