The Faculty of International Relations hosted a leadership lecture of Mr. Gvidas Kerušauskas, the Consul General of the Republic of Lithuania

13 february, 2024

On February 12, 2024, 11 a.m., the Faculty of International Relations hosted a Leadership lecture by the Consul General of the Republic of Lithuania in Almaty, Mr. Gvidas Kerušauskas, on the topic “Economic relations of Lithuania with Central Asia.”

During the lecture, Mr. Consul provided information about the foreign policy and economic development of Republic of Lithuania and outlined the main directions and results of economic cooperation with the countries of our region. In addition, Mr. Gvidas Kerušauskas informed students about Lithuania’s interests in relations between the two countries and gave his prognosis for their future development.

The final stage of the lecture took place in the format of a brief discussion & QA between the Consul General and the audience. Mr. Gvidas Kerušauskas gave thorough and detailed answers to questions about the role of the diaspora in the development of relations between Lithuania and Kazakhstan, cooperation in the field of Cybersecurity, various scenarios for the development of the situation in the context of International and Regional security.

In frame of the lecture, young scholars and students had a unique opportunity to get comprehensive answers to their questions from the honored guest of our faculty and learn new knowledge about various aspects of the development of relations between the two countries.