A trusted companion for students

16 february, 2024

A teacher is a specialist who is engaged in both teaching and educational work. Therefore, the task of a teacher is not only to give the necessary education, but also to help students when they do not realize the need for a certain education.

The main characteristic of the pedagogical activity of a university teacher is pedagogical competence, which requires mastering the knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and stipulates the constant improvement of the teacher in relation to the implementation of modern teaching methods and technologies in the educational process.

When I imagine the image of a teacher, first of all, it is a person who is kind, able to show interest and with whom I have a good relationship with students. Because the teacher and students work together. For example: students' independent, term, diploma works, as well as consultations of the teacher are extremely necessary when students sometimes ask for help. Here comes another important thing- the instructor's ability to empathize, that is, this ability to empathize with students, the desire to understand their situation. I also believe that among the important qualities-excellent knowledge of the teacher of his subject, and a sense of humor, determined by inner charisma, should not lag behind.

Speech is very important in the profession of Pedagogy, every word should be expressive, emotional, diverse enough to inspire confidence. At the same time, the ability to convey one's thoughts to students in a competent, clear and simple way is also a sign of mastery. For me, the teacher with this quality is Gulbarshyn Azisovna. My teacher, who at first seemed simple, has everything in order. From the page we built, we were sent to the ship "ocean of knowledge". Always helping and guiding us. Now that I think about it, this is the quality of a teacher. Namely, a teacher has the disposition to work with students, the ability to show interest in their subject, the ability to support, to close, to resist life criticism, as a person who has a Spark of warmth, even if the look is cold. This is my passage about my teacher who wishes his student would get ahead of him.

Xue Hong PEN,

4th year student of the Faculty of Philology,

specialty "Russian language and literature"