The Role of Women in Kazakh Society”Farabi University

The Role of Women in Kazakh Society”

6 november, 2023

On November 6, 2023 at the Faculty of Philology of al-Farabi KazNU associate professor of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,  Salkhanova Zh.Kh. held an event  within the framework of SDGS-5 “Gender Equality”. The  1st year students of  “Foreign Philology. Western languages" major participated in the event. The event on the topic “The Role of Women in Kazakh Society” was organized in the “Free Microphone” format.

 The students in small groups created  presentations and made  reports on gender equality in our country, as well as in other countries of the world.  The student Tolegenova Karakat presented the results of a sociological survey conducted on the university campus. The purpose of the survey was to identify the opinions of teachers and students about  the level of gender equality in Kazakhstan. The  student from Belgium,  Nina Tahir studying at al-Farabi Kazakh National University on the academic mobility program, spoke about the policy of full gender equality in European countries.  The student Aitubai Akmaral prepared a report on the situation of women in developing countries where gender equality is not adequately respected. The head of the group, Armankyzy Samal, held a digital competition game, the winner of which was Kanatbay Malika, who correctly answered questions on the topic under discussion.  The student Madieva Saltanat made  concluding remarks having said  that in the Republic of Kazakhstan women have equal rights; individual cases of violations that need to be eradicated occur in the family and household sphere.

The event moderator: Salkhanova Zh.Kh. introduced students to the program document “SDGS-Sustainable Development Goals”, noting that in the context of globalization, each of the 17 areas of this program is gradually being implemented both in our country and in the world as a whole. At the same time, to achieve the prosperity of our society, specific tasks are set that all citizens should know.