A new inclusive education project

16 february, 2024

In the discipline of inclusive biological education for undergraduates of the 1st year of specialty "Biology" (English group), I conducted an open lesson on "musculoskeletal system and sense-analyzing organs".


Inclusive biological education requires special knowledge. After all, it is considered as joint education of children with peculiarities of biological development in order to socialize them and facilitate integration processes with healthy children. The main goal here-forming the future specialist's ability to pedagogical support and preparation for psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in biology on the training of children with disabilities in the process of inclusive education. During the classes, master students can use different platforms (wordwall, learningapps.org, etc.), mutual feelings analyzers highlighted disturbed situations and worked with them. They showed that they had a good command of the different platforms.

Responsive inclusive education is a very useful system that promotes the use of modern technology in universities, training centers, private organizations, and school walls. In addition, inclusive education allows learners to be active, to develop the abilities necessary to communicate with people. Educational method taking into account the capabilities of learners and adjusting their relationships with each other to effectively facilitate the individual requirements and capabilities of learners. In this regard, we propose several features of inclusive biological education:

1.Planning according to individual requirements and capabilities: individual requirements to help learners to participate in biology education, provision of plan.

2.Use of language exercises: learners' ability to apply language translation exercises.

3.Providing explanation of the topic: assisting and realizing the joint work of linking the topic.

4.Using exercises and special resources: exercises, audiobooks, providing compulsory resources.

Master's students in Educational Biology took a special initiative by creating" an innovative telegram bot for children with hearing impairments". This progressive project opens the door to the initiative and possibilities of new access and learning technologies, supporting inclusive biology education. The students not only demonstrated their skills in modern technology, but also invested in creating a tool that can make it accessible and engaging for children who encounter audio calls. This project is a prime example of how student initiative can lead our society to optimal change. Thus, https://t.me/Inclusi_Bot telegram has created a new chat bot. Here is the link https://t.me/Inclusi_Bot through the bot you can register.

Zhanar Kenzheeva,

Associate Professor,

Department of Biophysics

, Biomedicine and Neuroscience, PhD