The glorious path of a scientist-educator

19 february, 2024

It is very important that the jubilee of this modest but persistent in his words and deeds man, well-known in the country journalist, teacher and public figure - his 70th anniversary - coincided with the anniversary of his native university, Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, which this year is 90 years old and in the walls of which this scientist has been working for a long time, giving it his experience, labor and knowledge. It is important, because these two significant dates - one concerns the personal creative destiny of the one who created, creates and creates today, and the other - the life of his native university, in which create and create such as him restless individuals, not indifferent to the fate of his university, faculty, his specialty. And most importantly - not indifferent to the history of his people, his native culture, native language. From his biography it is known that he is a candidate of philological sciences, a member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a graduate of the philological faculty of the Kazakh National University.

All his scientific activity is closely connected with the name of an outstanding figure of the Kazakh national-educational liberation movement, one of the leaders of the party "Alash" Khalel Dosmukhamedov. This science began with defense of the candidate dissertation about him ("Publicistic heritage of Khalel Dosmukhamedov"; scientific supervisors: academician R.Syzdykova, professor S.Kozybaev) and finishing scientific-methodical developments about life, creativity, publicistic skill of the outstanding figure of Kazakh national history Khalel Dosmukhamedov. Since 1996 and up to now Amankos Mekteptegi has been working in the field of public education, teaching at the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi KazNU. His students and his pupils love him and speak well of him.

Amankos began his creative path in 1968 with the publication of the first photographs and articles in regional newspapers "Zhem-Sagyz" and "Aktobe". The interests of the scientist are diverse, ranging from history, Turkology, linguistics, literary studies, pedagogy, ethnography and runology: "Historical origins of the Kazakh literary language", "Pre-revolutionary studies on the Kazakh language", "Dictionary of geographical names of Kazakhstan", "Geographical names of Kazakhstan", "Til tagylymy", "Alaman", "Khalel tagylymy", "Beket-Ata", "Kazak talim oylary anthologyasy", "Anthology of pedagogical thought of Kazakhstan", "Orazmagambet", "Great religion of national spirit", "National encyclopedia of Kazakhstan", "Ancient Turkic civilization: Inscriptions on Monuments", "Etudes: on the Monuments of Ancient Usun Writing", "Study of Ancient Turkic Writing: Present and Future", "Monuments of Ancient Turkic Writing: Origins of Written Culture as a Phenomenon of Language Development", "Khalel the Enlightener", "Abai's School of Poetry", "Genocide", "Kazakh Photographic Masterpieces: History, Facts, Art (in Kazakh, Russian and English), "The Art of Photography" and others published in monographs, reference dictionaries and scientific-cognitive collections: "The Life and Work of Khalel Dosmukhamedov", "Tribune of Publicism".

Amankos Mekteptegi is the author of widely known and deeply informative monographic works: "Zheti kөsem", "Runa zhumbagy", "The Life and Work of Khalel Dosmukhamedov", "Tribune of Publicism". The original skill of the journalist and talent of the writer is confirmed by the fact that his journalistic articles for several years already firmly occupy prize-winning places in the newspapers "Ana tili" and "Kazakәdebieti". He is the author of more than 300 scientific and popular scientific research works and articles. Taking an active part in international scientific-theoretical conferences, the scientist always puts forward non-standard and original ideas and methods. Especially when it concerns ancient Turkic runes. In Austria, Turkey and Mongolia, his scientific reports often became a bright landmark event of science. Amankos Mekteptegi is always in the thick of things. At present he is the editor and publisher of the republican scientific research journal "History of national journalism" published by the department. He is a member of the board of the Almaty city society "Kazak tili", a member of the board of weekly newspapers "Turki әlemi", "Ұлы dala tynysy" and the Republican scientific-methodical, cognitive-psychological journal "Kyzykty psychology" and a member of the Kazakhstan National Press Club.


In 2008-2009, he was awarded the title of "Best Teacher of the Year" among the staff of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. A teacher and scientist, an experienced mentor of journalism students, he developed special courses on subjects covering the activities of great historical figures who laid the foundation of the Kazakh national press: "Khalel Dosmukhamedov - publicist", "History of Kazakh journalism", "School of creativity", "History of the national periodical press", "History of writing and typography", "History of the Kazakh book", "Ancient written culture", "History of media culture", "Genus and types of information". From 2010 to 2011, Amankos Mekteptegi underwent a scientific internship at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland) under the program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak". He also took an active part, making reports at scientific-theoretical conferences in such Polish cities as Poznan, Słubica, Torun and Warsaw.

Amankos Mekteptegi's monograph "Kөsemsөzdіn kөsemi" in 2015 won the second place in the Republican competition of scientific literature. June 23, 2022 by the Rector's order № 329 he was awarded the medal "Eren eңbegi ushin" of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi for his contribution to the development of the university. By the decision of the Academic Council of Atyrau University on November 23, 2023 for outstanding services to the university Amankos Mekteptegi was awarded the Golden Medal named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov (by order of the rector of the university S. Idrisov).  In connection with today's anniversary, the Academy of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded Amankos Mekteptegi with a diploma and a prize named after Yuldash Azamatov for services in the field of interethnic journalism. Amankos Mekteptegi was awarded the badge of honor "Kazakstanң kurmetti journalism" for his outstanding services and significant contribution to the development of Kazakhstani journalism. The scientist has a large number of diplomas and certificates and continues worthily to serve the cause of science and education for the benefit of his native university KazNU named after Al-Farabi.

We wish the jubilee strong health, great creative achievements, a lot of strength and energy for his further discoveries!


Candidate of Philology