He laid the academic foundation for the School of Diplomacy

20 february, 2024

Famous scientist Zharas Ibrashev, who founded the profession of international relations in the independent Kazakh country, worked at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for more than 65 years, devoting his whole life to instructive deeds.


Professor Zharas Omarovich was one of the most outstanding Kazakh citizens who possessed a high level of knowledge, deep consciousness, ability to think and patiently analyze.

Ж. Ibrashev, having graduated from the History Department of the Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov in 1950, worked as an assistant, senior lecturer of the Department of General History of the educational institution, actively participated in public works as the second secretary of the Alma-Ata city Komsomol organization and even was a deputy of the city council. In whatever branch he worked, he was characterized by purposefulness, honesty. Even due to the fact that the Soviet Union introduced troops into Prague during the political panic in Czechoslovakia in 1968, the true expertise on the TV channel contradicted the aggressive policy pursued by the Soviet authorities, he abruptly stopped his activity as a political observer and faced some difficulties.

In the scientific sphere he became interested in the politics of the French state, in this direction he defended his master's thesis in 1970 and his doctoral thesis in 1986. In order to familiarize himself with data Zharas Omarovich also had a good command of French language. He also gave lectures in French at the French University of Rennes-1. And in 1987 he was appointed head of the department of modern and contemporary history of our university. On January 15, 1988, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, taking into account the general scientific and pedagogical merits of Zh. Ibrashev was awarded the medal "Veteran of Labor".

The scientist founded a scientific school in the field of international relations and diplomacy. Also Zharas Omarovich with all his heart promotes the democratic way of development, gives a number of instructions
wrote scientific works.

In the first months of independence Professor Zh. Ibrashev was one of the first to reflect on the need for a new specialty for the country and suggested that the Republic of Kazakhstan, as an independent subject of world cooperation, should prepare qualified specialists in the field of international relations to form interaction with each country.

In the spring of 1992, based on the support of the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of Independent Kazakhstan Tuleutay Suleimenov, then Deputy Minister Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev and painstaking labor of Professor Zharas Omarovich within the Historical Department of the Kazakh National University, the Department of International Relations was opened, and immediately began training young specialists. It is known that Professor J. Ibrashev initiated the opening of the department, and Gulzhauhar Zhambatyrova, who became the first Dean of the International Relations Department, did a great job in the field of improving the new specialty.

From 1994 to 2000, Mr. Ibrashev held the position of the Head of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2000, by the decision of the Academic Council of the Kazakh National University J. Ibrashev was awarded the title of "Honorary Head of the Department".

On the initiative of Zharas Omarovich in 1997 the State Attestation Committee for the first time in the republic opened a dissertation council for the defense of candidate's degree on specialty "07.00.15 - History of international relations and foreign policy", and in 2003 opened a dissertation council at the Kazakh National University on specialty "07.00.15 - History of international relations and foreign policy" with awarding the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. The chairmanship in both of these councils was held by Zh. Ibrashev.

The scientist founded a scientific school in the field of international relations and diplomacy. Also Zharas Omarovich with all his heart propagandized the democratic way of development and wrote a number of educational scientific works. He is the author of more than 100 scientific and scientific-publicistic articles, more than 10 monographs, a number of educational and methodical manuals. Each work is full of democratic values. Until the last moment of his life, he shared his innovative thoughts, actively participating in affairs within the department, faculty, and university.

The Center for the Study of Eurasian Integration founded by him was dedicated to the present and future of the Kazakh people. Every word, every thought of Zharas Omarovich was directed to the education of youth. Every act and gesture of our brother Zharas also conjures up an image of a true intellectual personality. Under the guidance of Professor J. Ibrashev 10 doctors of sciences, 34 candidates of sciences, 2 doctors of philosophy (Phd) defended their works. Taking into account the fruitful labor of the great teacher, he also received awards from the authorities.

By the Decree of the President of RK on December 7, 2004 J. Ibrashev was awarded with the medal "Eren eңbegi ushin", in 2005 with the medal "Kazakhstan Constitution - 10 zhyl", in 2008 with the medal "Astana - 10 zhyl". In 2009 Zh. Ibrashev was awarded the gold medal "Al-Farabi" of the Kazakh National University. And in 2014 he became a laureate of the international award "Golden Pen of Russia", an honorary laureate of the Eurasian Literary Award.

At the end of 2016 in the publishing house "Kazakh University" was published edition" Өnegeli omir", dedicated to Professor Zharas Omarovich. Also, by the decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty of International Relations, the Academic Council Hall was named after Prof. J. Ibrashev.

This year J. Ibrashev turns 95 years old. The life of the scientist is filled only with example and morality for today's colleagues and future youth, wherever you look.

Amangeldy Alipbaev,

Bakhyt Buzheeva,

Associate Professors of the Faculty of International Relations