A deep understanding of the relationship between the work of Abai Kunanbayuly and oriental literature

20 february, 2024

On February 20, 2024,  at the Faculty of Philology,  PhD student A.O. Akasheva held a scientific seminar dedicated to a deep  understanding of the relationship between the work of Abai Kunanbayuly and oriental literature. The participants of the seminar were the  second-year foreign students majoring in Russian as a Foreign Language (RCT).

During the seminar, the following issues were raised:  the influence of Eastern literary traditions on the work of Abai Kunanbayuly; the contribution of scholars of the East, such as al-Farabi, Firdowsi, Alisher Navoi, Nizami, Fizuli, Ibn Sina, to the formation of the cultural context in which Abai's creativity was  developed; analysis of the main ideas and concepts that formed the thinking  background of Abai, which originated  from Eastern and Western traditions.

 The students took an active part in the seminar: an open discussion took place, during which various views were discussed, questions were asked, and an exchange of views took place. Potential prospects for further research in the field were  identified.

The results of the seminar were fruitful and interesting for both the organizer and the participants, enriching them with knowledge on the importance of studying the relationship between cultures for understanding the modern world literary context.