Partnership for Sustainable Development

20 february, 2024

On February 20, 2024 at 12:00 at the Faculty of Law of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, within the framework of SDG 17 "Partnership for Sustainable Development", teachers of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law, D.Y.N. Baymakhanova D.M., K.Y.N. Kultemirova L.T. and K.Y.N. Kusainov D.O. organized a Leadership lecture on the topic "Anti-cyber fraud" with the participation of 1st year students. The speaker was Suleimenov A.D., M.L., Lieutenant Colonel of Police, Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. M. Esbulatov.

In his speech, the speaker touched upon the important issue of the concept of cyber fraud, its types, various deceptive schemes used by criminals to defraud the civilian population. Suleimenov A.D. revealed the features of cyber fraud carried out through telephone communications, social networks and the Internet. The speaker paid special attention to the most common Internet fraud schemes in Kazakhstan in the areas of online trading, credit intermediaries, phishing and social engineering, cyber attacks, crypto fraud, SIM swapping (issuing copies of SIM cards).

Adlet Dauletkhanovich drew the students' attention to what actions need to be taken if you have been subjected to various types of cyber fraud, noting that an important condition for success in the fight against cybercrime is a timely contact with law enforcement agencies. The speaker noted that it is not recommended to enter into dialogue with scammers, much less tell them your personal information.

The students listened with great interest to the lecturer who touched on such topical issues, asked many questions and noted that in the modern world it is necessary to be vigilant and conduct preventive conversations with their relatives and loved ones. Combating cyber fraud is important for the successful development of New Kazakhstan.

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