Kaznu is the flagship of higher education institutions

28 february, 2024

Dear teachers!

Students and undergraduates of Kaznu!

We graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 40 years ago. This year marks the 90th anniversary of the opening of the «Kara shanyrak» educational institution. This is almost a century. During this period, Kaznu has both a place in the training of qualified and educated personnel in the country. The number of university graduates and famous people who have worked in various fields, today they work with determination. The National University is the flagship of higher education institutions in the country. We rejoice in the success. We wish the younger generation to be more educated, intelligent and well-mannered.

We are proud of the Kazakh National University as "my university". We wish the university to stay ahead of the times and be in the forefront all the time.

May your anniversaries prevail and your statuses be high!

With respect,

Nurtore ZHUSUP,

senator, Senate

Chairman of the committee on social and

cultural development and science