Ф discussion platform on the topic "Tuberculosis Prevention" was conducted
On February 28, 2024, at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a discussion platform on the topic "Tuberculosis Prevention" was conducted within the framework of TUR 3: Healthy Lifestyle and Well-being. The event aimed to enhance youth awareness regarding tuberculosis prevention and to foster a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. During the event, presentations and speeches prepared by students on the topic "Tuberculosis Prevention" were delivered. The presentations included current statistics on the prevalence of tuberculosis in Kazakhstan and actively discussed existing challenges in tuberculosis prevention. An appropriate evaluation was provided for treatment methods and preventive measures used in medicine. As a result of the event, students became acquainted with various methods of conducting preventive measures against tuberculosis and preventing infection.
Organizers: Adviser-curators: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor S.Sh. Asrandina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor S.D. Atabaeva, and students from the 3rd and 4th years, majoring in "6B05103 – Biotechnology". Venue: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Room 412, Time: 3:00 PM.