Drinking water

1 march, 2024

      Life on the planet depends on the availability of clean drinking water, so the sixth sustainable development goal “Clean water and sanitation” is very important in all countries of the world. On the third of March, at an educational event in group PG-1 of the Department of Language and General Education for Foreigners of the Faculty of Pre-University Education, foreign students from Japan, South Korea, China, Turkey discussed this problem, expressed support for the idea of ​​​​the need to save drinking water in all countries, readiness and in Kazakhstan, use water sparingly. At the event it was said that a huge number of people in the world suffer from a lack of drinking water, due to the fact that 80% of the water ends up in rivers with pollution. For Kazakhstan, the problem of saving water and maintaining its purity is very pressing. Saving begins with each of us: whether we brush our teeth, take a shower, do laundry, or replace a leaking faucet on time, we do not pass by the water dripping from the tap. The students were very interested in the presentation materials, actively discussed the issue, and offered their solutions.