"The Greatness of Olesha's Creativity"
On March 5, 2024, the Center for Russian Language and Culture at al-Farabi Kazakh National University, hosted a literary meeting on the topic: "The Greatness of Olesha's Creativity". The foreign students and PhD students took part in it. The director of the center, Professor S. Begalievа, spoke about Yury Olesha's literary heritage and showed a video about his role and contribution to shaping Russia's cultural image to the students. The PhD students prepared a presentation devoted to the literary works by Olesha works: "The Envy of the Gods" and "Three Fat Men”. In these literary works Olesha brilliantly depicted the complexities of human existence. PhD student I. Zhanalina emphasized the deep psychological and philosophical subtext in Olesha's works in which he skillfully described power, individualism, and moral dilemmas. The literary works by Yury Olesha were discussed. The participants said that the Russian writer's works would remain topical in our modern world and would continue inspiring us and the younger generation will start thinking about the depth of the human soul and the values of our society. The main credo of Yury Olesha's creativity is an ethical code and patriotism. As a result of the literary meeting, the students were given a task to analyze one of Yury Olesha's literary works: "The Envy of the Gods" or "Three Fat Men”. They should make the analysis of using literary devices by the author to express his ideas about power, society, and human nature. Attention should be paid to the characters, plotlines, and author's style, as well as the influence of his work on the cultural context of his time.
Director of the Center, S. Begalievа.