I admire the professionalism of the university staff

6 march, 2024

The exchange of experience of foreign scientists in deepening the knowledge and improving the experience of young scientists will contribute to strengthening the image and place of the university in the country and international scientific community. Training quality specialists in accordance with global standards is one of the main tasks of the university. As part of this goal, the Higher School of Economics and Business annually invites foreign professors to give lectures to master's and doctoral students. Professor Aijaz Sheikh from Finland's Jyvaskyla University shared his experience.

Dr. Aijaz is a member of the Editorial Review Board of E-Business Research International and editor of the special issue. He has over fifteen years of teaching experience at university level in Finland and other countries and almost five years of significant research experience. He maintains international research collaborations with Kazakhstan, Finland, Sweden, Norway, USA, South Africa, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Ghana. During his five years of work, publications and conference proceedings have been published in reputed ISI indexed journals with more than 350 citations. The professor's academic specialty includes topics such as digital marketing, mobile financial services and general digital economy etc. The scholar described his first impressions from his visit to the treasury.

- Almaty is a boiling city that combines global traditions. The city's majestic buildings, ancient mosques and architectural palaces, perched on the slopes of the Alatau, are filled with mesmerizing spectacle. And the parks provide a respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. Kaznu, located in the heart of such a gigantic city, is widely recognized as one of the most prestigious universities in Kazakhstan. Kaznu is renowned for the quality education of its students. Kaznu works closely with international academic institutions and research centers, which will help ensure that its programs meet the needs of today's global economy," said the professor, noting more or less the work done at the Department of Management at the Higher School of Economics and Business.

- My teaching path includes several lectures on digital technologies and research. I have also organized several sessions for faculty and staff. In my presentations, I have shared best practices in teaching, pedagogy and research that are commonly found in European universities. At the Graduate School of Economics and Business, we organized an exclusive session on the Finnish education system, which is considered the best in the world. I explained the origin, growth and current state of the Finnish education system. The Finnish education system-highly regarded for its attention to equity, teacher training, creativity and critical thinking. I have made various suggestions in this direction," said the professor.

As part of the training program, Professor Aijaz Sheikh conducted seminars for students and faculty on the course "understanding digital business and digital economy on the path of sustainable development in Kazakhstan. For students and staff "how to conduct research on NVivo and SmartPLS and use applications for data analysis?", "How to create theoretical models and structures and how to use them to publish in high quality journals Scopus in scientific research?", "How to promote a culture of research publications in Kazakhstan?", "Scientific research in the government, industry in Kazakhstan, what benefits can bring to society?" conducted training sessions and seminars on such topics.

Kaznu is famous for quality education of students. Kaznu works closely with international academic institutions and research centers, which will help ensure that its programs meet the needs of today's global economy.

- When I was at Kaznu, I organized a special session on" Learning and Pedagogy in the Digital Age". "How technology and digitalization have changed approaches to learning and pedagogy and what needs to be done to increase university students' engagement in learning, passion for course content, interest in learning?", "How will young graduates be prepared for an innovative, high-value job market? "we tried to find answers to these questions as the main challenge of the digital age. In this session, which was also attended by the Deputy Deans and Heads of Departments of the Graduate School of Economics and Business, I explained and demonstrated the different pedagogical approaches that I use in my daily life in Finland. For example, new pedagogical approaches include approaches such as synchronous (face-to-face/online and offline) and asynchronous (pre-recorded videos/YouTube) case method learning, visio-case learning, dialogic learning, blended learning, game-based learning, simulations, podcasts and prime time learning will be. I am excited to meet many talented students and faculty at Bell University. I also benefited from the resources and comprehensive support of the Graduate School of Economics and Business Treasury in collecting data and conducting research in my field. I was impressed by the high level of professionalism and expertise of the staff of the kaznu. In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to the Kazakh National University for the hospitality provided during my teaching visit," concluded the scientist.

Nurbek Nurzhanovich