Excursion to the Republican Museum of Sports and Olympic Glory

2 march, 2024

Based on the direction of SDG-3 "Good health and well-being", on 02/21/2024, the curator of the PK-301 group, E. B. Kenzhebaeva, conducted an excursion with the students of the group to the Republican Museum of Sports and Olympic glory. The museum is located in Almaty in one of the old buildings with a 160-year history. The building was built in the middle of the XIX century: the house of the widow of Colonel Sapozhnikov, then the house of the gardener Tatarinov, the sanitary and epidemiological station and, finally, the Republican Museum of Sports and Olympic glory. The museum building is an architectural monument of the XIX century and is under state protection. The main purpose of visiting the museum was to get acquainted with the personal belongings and prizes of the great athletes of Kazakhstan. In the museum, students will be able to see the gloves and belt of the world's strongest boxer Serik Konakbayev, wrestling shirts and tights of Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov, the champion of the Olympic Games of the XXII century, the dress of the first athlete of Kazakhstan Gusman Kosanov, who received worldwide fame, the silver medal of the Olympics, gold medals and trophies of the Olympic Games, world champion, Asian and Asian Boxing Games Vasily Zhirov, V. Zhirov got acquainted with the Barker Cup, which he won at the Olympic Games in Atlanta (USA) and is awarded to the best boxer of the Olympic season. The museum also houses the National Sports Hall. The children were told about the history and competitions in baiga, kazaksha kures, togyzkumalak and other sports.