Women's Rights in the Modern World

7 march, 2024

On March 7, 2024, within the framework of SDG 5: "Gender Equality", the  senior lecturer of  the Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature of the  Faculty of Philology  of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Sh. Shortanbai held a round table discussion on the topic: "Women's Rights in the Modern World", devoted to the celebration of International Women's Day. Shokan Amangeldyuly discussed with the 3rd year students of  "Kazakh Philology" major  the history of the origin of the holiday: March 8, its role and historical significance in the protection of women's rights and freedoms. Sh.A. Shortanbai told about the fate of Clara Zetkin, her struggle for women's rights and freedoms. During the round table discussion  the students conducted a comparative analysis of women's rights at various stages of the historical society  development. In conclusion, Sh.A. Shortanbai  revealed  the present significance of the March 8 holiday and congratulated all the girls on International Women's Day.