"Kazakh language is the language of science: traditions and innovations"

2 march, 2024

From March 1 to March 2, 2024, at  Khoja Ahmed Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish university there was   "Kazakh language is  the language of science: traditions and innovations" Sympoisium.  About 300 professors and teachers from all the  regions of Kazakhstan took part in it.  Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Philology,  Salkynbay Anar Bekmyrzakyzy also participated in this scientific event where she  made a report  on the topic “Word formation process in the development of the language of Science. The report discussed the process of term formation   using traditional word formation patterns and word formation patterns”.

During the event,  there was an opening ceremony of  "Turkistan Edtesh lab coursera" Center  at Khoja Ahmed Yasawi  International Kazakh-Turkish university.