A delegation from the University of Darussalam Gontor (Republic of Indonesia) visited the Faculty of Oriental Studies

11 march, 2024

On March 4, 2024, a delegation from the University of Darussalam Gontor (Republic of Indonesia) visited the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University consisting of 6 people:

  • Associate Professor, Dr. Khairulumam (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and International Cooperation);
  • Associate Professor Setiyawanbin Lahuri (Vice-Rector for Financial and Administrative Affairs);
  • Associate Professor, Dr. Hartomi (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management);
  • Associate Professor, Dr. Imam Kamaluddin (Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Law);
  • Associate Professor, Dr. Syamsuri (Head of the Department of Islamic Economic Law);
  • Associate Professor, Dr. Ahmad Afandi Mahfudz (head of the group).

The purpose of the delegation's visit is to establish partnership between the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the University of Darussalam Gontor (Republic of Indonesia), which includes joint scientific research on the Arabic language, culture, history, organization of academic mobility for students, exchange of teachers.