Айнұр ҚҰРМАНАЛИЕВА, ҚазҰУ профессоры: Басқа мәдениеттің жетегінде кетпеу – сауатсызданудан сақтайды

11 наурыз, 2024

1. Сіздіңше, «ЖОО-ның үздік оқытушысы» қан­дай болуы ке­рек, қандай талаптарға (педа­го­гикалық, психологиялық және т.б.) жауап беруге тиіс?
2. Дәріс оқитын пәніңіз бойынша оқу бағдар­ла­масы көңі­лі­ңіз­ден шыға ма? Сіздің ойыңыз­ша, оны жетілдіру үшін не істеуге болады? 
3. Білікті маман даярлауда біздің қоғамның қандай кемшін тұстары бар, атай аласыз ба?
4. Жастардың білім деңгейі көңіліңізден шыға ма?
5. «Қоғам сауатсызданып барады» деген көз­қа­распен келі­се­сіз бе?

1.It is obvious that the step of the university into the educational space as a research university will be carried out with the aim of integrating education, science and innovation. This updates the requirements for teachers, emphasizes the need for full involvement of teachers and professors in research activities and implementation of scientific projects. Therefore, I believe that along with the educational process, the competence to conduct scientific research and supervise students' scientific research is very important nowadays. In the teacher-student relationship, you can also influence your personality by being a role model. That is to say, it is much more effective to show by experience than to tell you how to be. Of course, in doing so, along with pedagogical knowledge, you need to be able to provide psychological support to learners. Nowadays students sometimes lack simple communication, socialization. In the process of preparing an educational process, a project for scientific research, the teacher can immediately find out what the student's problem is. Therefore, such issues as neglect of classes, a sharp decline in interest, change of environment are immediately taken into account, timely psychological support prevents a number of problems.

2.The improvement of the content of the discipline is in the competence of the teacher himself, it is a process in motion. If there are shortcomings, there are opportunities to change and improve. Modernity is a time of information flow, and in the volume of one lecture in the classroom, there are several discoveries in the world. The source of information that the teacher and the student receive is equal, it is very difficult to keep and surprise the student, however, the opportunity to critically reflect and analyze the available information, to teach him to evaluate and use it in future activities, profession, to instill skills - it is quite another matter. Nowadays it is even more difficult for teachers of social and humanitarian direction, because the information, News in this direction is changing rapidly. At the same time, it is better to master the advanced models of digital technologies, new methods and use them in the teaching process. At the same time, we pay special attention to the proposals of employers and the requirements they put to us during the courses. For example, nowadays most young people tend to get the necessary information from social networks. Because it is accessible, fast and convenient. It is enough to have a cell phone at hand. Therefore, there is a need to prepare high-quality, attractive content on religion, and there is a growing demand for bloggers-religionists who provide comments, guidelines for the reader who familiarizes himself with this content. In order to improve the discipline, it is necessary to constantly be on the lookout for and improve the program necessary to train professionals to meet the demands of society.

3.When there is work to be done, there is naturally a side that focuses on improvement. The key is to be able to see these shortcomings and correct them. In my field I want to say: of course, we should pay attention to the close connection of theoretical knowledge with practice. Seminar classes, practical lectures are conducted in a practical environment. For example, theoretical knowledge on deradicalization should be in the format closest to the work of these centers. And we have permission to do this or the ability to intervene only after special works. In addition, neither the side of logistics, nor the side that can not reach the level of leading universities. A number of students have seen the walls of foreign universities and recognized right and left. In addition, the internet has all the details. So it also affects the reputation of the profession. It is also desirable to have close contacts with employers while training qualified professionals. Strategic professionals should be trained so that they can foresee the future. Foreign language competence of students nowadays also prevails over teachers, so the capability of learners is more even while learning the materials. Therefore, it is advisable to train learners and trainees in expert competencies using exhaustive data, big data, new technologies.

4.When there are young people, here we should talk about the level of education of student youth or youth who have already been involved in graduate school or cannot find their place. Student youth comes to us with the school fund of knowledge. In this sense, it is an indicator not only of the youth, but also of our schools. And after entering the university it depends on it the ability to refine, to search independently, a strong will to search. Modern youth knows how to hunt for the right world in life and set goals to achieve it. The educational level of the youth is disappointing. However, while it has accumulated good knowledge, the spiritual and moral aspects are suggestive. There are shortcomings in the value attitude.

5.From the vast amount of information one can say that it is addicted to unnecessary things. This is due to ignorance of spiritual fundamentals. So, this year about 10 thousand students were admitted to the Kazakh National University for the 1st course. We, the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies, lead the discipline of "Cultural Studies" on the university. We have updated the methodology of work with students to promote the consciousness of students, to guide them on the right path, to better inform them about our culture and popularize the Kazakh worldview: independent work includes museum, theater, cultural monuments, etc. We gave feedback, giving tasks that we can do only after visiting places, etc., which deepen into our culture. There was a wish that these 10,000 students had 10,000 friends, 16,000 parents, siblings, as many grandparents, as many relatives. Because lately our culture has been talking about strange things that never happened and using them to divide society. The main reason for this situation is our inability to know ourselves deeply. We can't help but see our rich culture and history and look for patterns from the outside. Not knowing the bar and no bar is not the same thing. I can say that this task is to prevent ignorance of the bar from accelerating from the illiteracy of society, considering it non-existent.