KazNU implements new social projects on the themes of SDGs

12 march, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has added a number of social projects aimed at comprehensive realization of 17 areas of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Long-term programs provide for the implementation of goals on poverty eradication, clean energy, rational use of water, inclusive growth, gender equality, and environmental conservation.
Speaking at the UN Summit on Sustainable Development Goals in September 2023, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that "the principles of sustainable development have become the basis of our national strategies and programs. Today we are actively investing in a sustainable future. 80% of the state budget is synchronized with the SDG goals. We provide universal access to free education and health care. The new Social Code has strengthened the protection of vulnerable groups".

In addition, KazNU is currently active as a global hub of the UN program on sustainable development "Academic Impact".
Within the framework of the social project will be organized: an exhibition of drawings on the theme "We are against domestic violence", a challenge among other ethnic groups "I Love KazNU!", a meeting of the reading club on Sustainable Development Goals, actions "Campus without transport", "Peace, equality and human values on a healthy planet".
There will also be such actions as: "Turn off the lights on the way out!", "Save Water", "Collect Plastic", "Affordable food on campus"  TikTok shorts.

Social projects are initiated by the Department of Strategic Development, the Ban Ki-moon Center and the working group for overseeing the implementation of the requirements of the international ranking.
Such projects are designed to attract attention and consider ways of solving urgent problems of the world, to preserve social development and social stability.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University