An international forum was held at the Far East department between students of the Department of Japanese Studies and students of Tokyo University

9 march, 2024

On June 3, 2024, the Far East department hosted the international forum "Kazakhstan and Japan" between local students and students of the University of Tokyo.

     The purpose of the forum is to deepen the knowledge of local and foreign students about the languages and cultures of the two nations and to further strengthen friendly ties between the youth of the two countries.

     At the beginning of the meeting, the participants were introduced to the sections and program of the forum. During the forum, the participants were divided into sections and discussed in Russian and Japanese on various topics related to the peculiarities of the cultures and languages of Kazakhstan and Japan. After the discussion, the moderator announced the results of the discussion in each section and summarized the results in the forum. As a result of the exchange of opinions on various topics, students who took part in the event had the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the cultural and spiritual life of the two countries, as well as to develop their language skills and abilities.

Head of Japanese studies Department

Tazabekova G.B.