A "Charity event" was organized with the participation of 1st year students

12 march, 2024

On March 12, 2024, within the framework of Tsur 2, in order to «Eliminate hunger», senior lecturer of the Department of Finance and accounting, candidate of Economic Sciences, O. Zhadigerova organized a «Charity event» with the participation of 1st year undergraduates of the specialty «accounting and audit» of the Faculty of Economics and business.

We all know that the ability to provide the world with food is a key element of sustainable development. For the same reason, proper nutrition is the key to our life.

To combat hunger and malnutrition, medical professionals and scientists use nuclear and isotopic methods to study different types of malnutrition, from malnutrition to obesity. The results of the research will help executives and experts create and implement programs and strategies aimed at hunger and malnutrition. This includes food enrichment initiatives, whose main goal is to produce foods rich in basic vitamins and minerals, programs to limit the calorie content of food to combat obesity, as well as programs to help mothers breastfeed babies and feed children.