SDG 17. Strengthening the means of implementation and strengthening the work of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

12 march, 2024

Students of the Faculty of Advanced Training of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after M. Esbulatov visited the al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The students were introduced to the university museum. We visited the situation center. They also got acquainted with the work of the university library. Such strong relations between universities are based on a memorandum of cooperation in the interests of sustainable development.

The organizer of this event is the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law.


Those responsible for the event

Ibraуeva A.S. - Doctor of Law, Professor

Tursynkulova D.A. - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

Smanova A.B. - Candidate of Law, Associate Professor