KazNU scientist entered the top 3 of the rating of the faculty of the Republic of Kazakhstan

14 march, 2024

Professor Grigory A. Mun of Al-Farabi KazNU has entered the Top 3 of the General Rating of the teaching staff of the Republic of Kazakhstan, compiled by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating in 2024, with a score of 9375 points.

The annual IAAR rating conducted by the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency is the only rating approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for higher education institutions, focused on improving the quality of education and acts as an indicator of the success of efforts of higher education institutions in the direction of increasing competitiveness and improving the quality of education.
Grigory Alekseevich is widely known to the scientific community as an internationally recognized scientist who has made a great contribution to the development of science and technology in the field of polymer chemistry and physics, polymer materials science and nanotechnology. According to the international information agency Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) Professor G.A.Mun has one of the highest citation indices among scientists of Kazakhstan (Sum of the Times Cited=1739), as well as one of the highest in Kazakhstan Hirsch index (h-index=28).

Prof. G.A.Mun and his student Vitaly Khutoryansky (now a professor at the University of Reading, England) invariably, for the last 15 years, occupy the first two positions in the world ranking of scientists in the field of interpolymer complexes, which are the object of research in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology (according to the agency Clarivate Analytics). Such indicators are not achieved by any scientific school not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the whole territory of CIS.

Grigory has published more than 600 scientific papers, including more than 110 scientific articles in international highly rated scientific journals included in the Clarivate Analytics database. He is a co-author of the textbook "History and Philosophy of Science", recommended by the Ministry of Science and Education for all specialties of Master's degree, 7 textbooks, 9 monographs, 25 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 2 Eurasian patents. G.A.Mun is the author of three scientific discoveries, officially registered in 2008 and 2023. 14 candidate dissertations and 7 dissertations of doctors of philosophy (PhD) were defended under his guidance.

Along with fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity Grigory Alekseevich performs great public work. Thus, from 2012 to 2021 he was the chairman of the dissertation council on chemical and technological specialties in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Since 2015, he has been the President of the Korean Scientific and Technical Society "Kahak".

In 2014, G.A. Moon was awarded the Honorary Badge of the President of the Republic of Korea for his fruitful scientific activity and significant contribution to international cooperation. He was three times awarded the State Scientific Scholarship for scientists and specialists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology and became the owner of the State Grant "The Best University Teacher" (2006, 2012, 2023).

Perizat URKIMBAEVA, Candidate of Chemical Sciences,

faculty of chemistry and chemical technology