March 16 is Genealogy Day

15 march, 2024

We all know that in order to celebrate Nauryz, a special concept (concept) was developed.   According to the same concept, March 16 is Genealogy Day. In connection with this significant date and in order to implement high–quality education in the context of sustainable development, on March 16, 2024, the 2nd year students of the educational program "6B02212 - Ethnology and Anthropology" were given a lecture on leadership by the candidate of historical sciences, chronicler Turgunbaev Yerlan Mukhamedzhanovich.

Genealogy is an important path of truth, proving the spread and origin of the ancestors of our people. In the Kazakh worldview, in the spiritual life of the Kazakhs, the chronicle occupies an important place. And at present, the chronicle is not just a cognitive, educational tool, for historians, the chronicle is of particular importance in determining ethnic history or in determining individual historical figures.