A scholar of the National Kurultay

18 march, 2024

One of the humanitarian missions assigned to the twenty-first century university is to work on the formation of mental centers and the improvement of modern expertise and analysis. Neither of these is peasant. The responsibility is high, so it requires maximum search. In this regard, Kaznu teachers are constantly involved in the discussion of current issues of today and offer solutions to any problems in society. "Today in whatever field of science a professional expert ethos has been formed," says Aset Koranbek, head of the Department of Philosophy.

The newspaper "Qazaq unıversıtetı" wants to bring positive news to its readers. On the eve of the 90th anniversary of Kara Shanyrak University, Kazybek Nurseitovich, senior lecturer of the Department of Philosophy, Candidate of Legal Sciences, was accepted as a member of the National Kurultai under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The National Kurultai is an advisory and consultative body that formulates ideas and steps for further development of public association. In a short time, the country became a pioneer in adopting five different packages of laws and political reforms necessary for its life. It is becoming an influential socio-political platform for discussing the democratic initiatives of the new Kazakhstan.

Today Kazybek Dautaliev is the chairman of the commission of the Almaty Regional Public Council on internal policy, language development, onomastics, sports, culture, youth policy, interethnic and religious relations. He is a young scientist who has made a significant contribution to the development of laws necessary for the life of society. Worked in the group on development of the constitutional law "On Constitutional Court" within the framework of constitutional reforms of President Kasym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev. He took an active part in the development of the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On Public Control". As a permanent expert of the Center for Support of Civil Initiatives under the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan contributes to the development of non-governmental organizations.

Inclusion in the National Kurultai of professors and scientists of our university is a worthy and positive phenomenon. We hope that this trend will continue, and we wish success in the work of Kazybek Nurseitovich.