SDG -3 Good health and well-being

20 march, 2024

On 20.03.2024, the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law of the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi KazNU organized a festive event dedicated to the "National Day of Sports". The seventh day of "Nauryznam" is called "National Day of Sports".

The festive event was opened by the head of the department Doctor of Law, Professor G. A. Kunanalieva. The event was attended by the faculty of the department, teachers of the faculty. In addition, the curators-advisers of the department Umbetov M. N., Zhapakov S. M. M., Esekeeva A. A., R. E. Erezhepkyzy, A. K. Dzhangabulova, B. K. Kalymbek with students of their groups took part in various competitions.

National Sports Day was held within the framework of SDG-3 to popularize good health and well-being of the population.

National sports have become a brand of our country. Kazakh people have been organizing competitions on all holidays since ancient times. In this regard, tug-of-war, hand-to-hand combat, etc. games were organized among students. Today, national sports games arouse great interest. By watching these games, many people can familiarize themselves with the traditions and customs of our people. Our national sport is not only a competition, it has the spirit of nomadic life. In the Great Steppe the key to survival and development was considered to be strength, agility, striving for self-improvement, ability to support loved ones. 

Happy Nauryz holiday friends!