"Main factors hazardous to health"

25 march, 2024

At the “Far East” department, Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU. Al-Farabi conducted training among 3rd year students by teachers Abagan A. and Zhakhanova Z. on the topic “Factors hazardous to health” within the framework of Sustainable Development Goals No. 3 “Good health and well-being.”

Currently, among activities that are harmful to health, along with drinking alcohol and smoking, drug addiction is growing among young people. In order to prevent these actions, educational work was carried out among 3rd year students of the “East” specialty. The students exchanged views on how tomorrow's life is in their hands by refraining from such negative actions for the sake of tomorrow's health.

It was explained that many problems and suffering in society and family arise due to bad habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking and drug addiction. As a result of bad habits, life expectancy is reduced, mortality increases, and defective generations are born. The main “weapon” in the fight against bad habits is information. The students discussed among themselves, giving information about the harm they cause to the human body.