From February 19 to 27, 2024, the InternationalWinter School “Modern megatrends in businessmanagement” was held by Management Department at the Higher School of Economics and Business, al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The event was attended by about 100 students, undergraduates and teachers from Azerbaijan(Azerbaijan State University of Economics, AzerbaijanState University of Oil and Industry), Russia (RussianPeoples' Friendship University named after PatriceLumumba), Kazakhstan (al-Farabi Kazakh NationalUniversity, Kyzylorda University named after KorkytAta). Azerbaijani students took the most active part.
The winter school speakers were professors fromleading universities and practitioners from variousfields of business: Harvard University (USA), University of Jyväskylä (Finland), Kazakh NationalUniversity named after Al-Farabi (Kazakhstan), K. Sagadiev International Business University(Kazakhstan), Almaty Management University(Kazakhstan), University of Turan (Kazakhstan).Lectures were deliverd by professors, heads of thelaboratory of scientific research of the Ministry ofEducation and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan(Kazakhstan), director of the training center, Union ofProject Managers RK (Kazakhstan).
The active participants were awarded certificates.