10 november, 2023

On October 11, Senior Lecturer of the UNESCO Department of Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management PhD, S. T. Kaldybayeva, Ph.D., Senior lecturer N.K. Jacksenbayev held an open advisory hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle", dedicated to the currently relevant topics of the Sustainable Development Goals. This event was attended by students of the 1st and 2nd, 3rd courses of the specialty 6B11201-environmental protection and life Safety at the UNESCO Department of Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management. It is worth noting that the open advisory hour was held in accordance with the goal of the SDGs: good health and well-being." The curator of the group explained in detail to the students the goal of sustainable development, the history. It was reported how important the SDGs are for our country. Students alternately told how to lead a healthy lifestyle, explained how harmful drinks, drugs, carbonated drinks, fast food are to health. At the same time, senior students found out how much they realized the importance of health by conducting special verbal riddles for 1st year students. Summing up the open advisory hour, I would like to say that "health is wealth", in one of the words of the wise people, always attaching great importance to our health, eating right and taking care of your health.