15 january, 2024

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has started its 90th anniversary. Our veteran teachers, honorary professors who have been working in this educational institution for many years congratulate and bless us in every issue of our newspaper. Below we give warm wishes, memories of veterans, today's teachers about the university.


academician, doctor of economic sciences:

- Wonderful people who lectured and taught us, professors-economists-I. Brover, S. Neishtadt, M. Romanov, I. Lukyanets, A. Grahodovtsiy, T. Shaukenbaev, F. Zherebyatiev, M. Butin, S. Banshev, G. Postenko, S. Goldengersh, etc. I remember the scientists with respect. As the great Abay said," the teacher is boring, from teaching to the child", we forever owe our Majesty to the teachers who turned the student into a source of knowledge. You cannot fail to notice that in our university, where such serious, hard-working personalities labored, only a select few are still giving lectures.

The success and success of our university under the banner of fair Kazakhstan is small. Thanks to positive solution of social and economic problems our culture is growing, and the educational sphere is gaining momentum. In his time Akhmet Baitursynov said: "our time is a son of the past, the future is a grandfather". This great holy word strengthens the faith in a happy, prosperous future of the young generation, which is filled with us, as representatives of the previous generation, as the faith is strengthened. I congratulate everyone on the 90th anniversary of our university!

Adilkhan Abildaev,
Chair of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics

-This year I was 67 years old when I crossed the threshold of the university. During these years various memorable joyful situations have been formed for the university staff. Let me tell one joyful story that took place in the early 70s. One day deputy dean Ulan Husainovich invited some young people to his office and gave an instruction: "now you visit all the classrooms, laboratories, workshops of the faculty and give one of the people sitting there the following message:" today at 13:00 let all the staff of the faculty gather on the square in front of the main building of the university". Not even five minutes later the door of the faculty was locked from the outside and flocked to the main building at the intersection of Panfilova-Kirov streets. Ten minutes after we reached the main building, Y. A. Kuznetsov, the then first secretary of the party committee of KazSU, came out and through the magnifier of voices in his hands called on the country to calm down. People were trying too hard. Kuznetsov read the telegram written on a piece of paper in his hand:

"Today the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Comrade Kosygin signed a decree of the Government of the USSR on the allocation of a land plot in the city of Alma-Ata with an area of 93 hectares for the construction of KazGUgrad".

Signed by Rector Zholdasbekov U. A. Thus, we witnessed the moment when the land of the city treasury was divided. It remained in my memory for the whole life. I congratulate teachers, students of Al-Farabi KazNU, which today is one of the best world universities, on the 90th anniversary!



MULDAGALIEVA, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Philological Sciences:

- The Department of Foreign Languages officially became an independent structure of S.M.Kirov University in 1959. The first head of the department was Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Efim Moiseevich Shvartsman. The teaching staff consisted mainly of graduates of foreign language institutes of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, and later of the Abylai Khan University, formerly known as the Alma-Ata Institute of Foreign Languages. It was a close-knit team of like-minded people who loved their profession and their students. As at present, the teachers of the department were engaged in scientific work, wrote methodical developments, gave open lessons, held methodical seminars, participated in university conferences, actively conducted educational activities with students, improved their methodical and linguistic qualifications, etc. This year it will be 43 years since I have been working in Al-Farabi KazNU. It has always been comfortable for me to work in this collective. It is a collective of highly competent professionals, deeply decent people, demanding to themselves and students.

Let Al-Farabi Kazakh National University develop, strengthen and prosper, prepare future staff - professionals who will be able to successfully compete in the labor market in Kazakhstan and abroad. I congratulate all colleagues, employees of the university on the 90th anniversary!


Zhangara DADEBAEV, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor:

- 90 years have passed since the foundation of the National University, Kazakhstan has turned into a new independent state, passed various stages, achieved successes. In these achievements KazNU named after Al-Farabi has made a great contribution. KazNU has worked hard in the formation and development of a new system of national higher education and university science, production of modern innovative products, training of highly qualified specialists for the national economy, rapid growth of intellectual potential of Kazakhstan, strengthening of solidarity and unity of the country. The source of such hard work, creative power -
the faculty of the university. I express boundless respect to the university, which I have devoted half a century to open its doors, to enter its auditorium, to study, to produce knowledge, to educate young people, to teachers who gave education, to contemporaries who served side by side, to young people. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate thousands of faculty, students and all learners on the anniversary of the KazNU!



Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences:

- The golden source of education and upbringing-KazNU named after Al-Farabi has passed great historical milestones during its 90-year history. All my teachers were legendary, legendary, connoisseurs of Kazakh education and science ... The artist-writer, scientist Mukhtar Auezov, who brought Kazakh literature to the world level thanks to his famous novel-epic "Abay's Way", had been lecturing at our university for almost thirty years since 1934 when he passed away, i.e. until the summer of 1961. We, students of the 70s, have not seen Mukhtar Auezov. However, we listened to the lectures of Mukan's pupils - professors, academicians: Z. Kabdolov, t. Kakishev, B. Kenzhebaev, H. Suyunshaliev, t. Nurtazin, M. Gabdullin.

In the Kazan, our native university, deeply rooted traditions of teacher ulagatyң, to appreciate and value him, to cherish the younger generation, to each newly arrived generation. I am delighted with this. Congratulating everyone on this year's 90th anniversary, I wish that the great traditions in our golden nest will not be interrupted, that they will continue forever and in the coming centuries!



Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Moscow State Academy of Sciences:

- In conditions of increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment and deterioration of public health we have to search and develop promising medicines from plant and natural mineral raw materials of Kazakhstan. Many preparations developed by chemists and pharmacologists have been and are undergoing pre-clinical testing on model animals and in test systems in the laboratory, which was created in Al-Farabi KazNU. At the same time researches on experimental substantiation of application of new preparations - cytoprotectors, antioxidants, antimutagens are carried out. The results of these studies have been reflected in joint scientific articles and patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Another actively developing and very important for the republic scientific direction is research in the field of neurobiology. Together with scientists from the United States, research is conducted to study the cellular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's disease, strokes) and the search for effective neuroprotectors, as well as the development of methods of combined cell therapy (stem mesenchymal cells and plant antioxidants).

On the eve of the 90th anniversary let me wish all staff and students good health and great success in promoting our university in all world rankings!


Kuralay Baizakova, Professor of the Department of International Relations and World Economy:

- With the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the question of opening a new specialty "International Relations" and training new diplomatic staff for the young state arose. On the initiative of Prof. Zh.U.Ibrashev and Prof. G.Sh.Zhambatyrova in 1992 was opened first the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and then the Faculty of International Relations.

At a crucial time for our republic, in the difficult 90's years of formation and development of higher education system of sovereign Kazakhstan, our university was lucky that our rector was K.N.Naribayev. First of all, it was he who succeeded in assigning the university the name of the famous scientist encyclopedist of the East Al-Farabi. In that period, when self-survival of higher education seemed problematic, he put forward ideas of reforming and development of the university, and in general higher education in Kazakhstan. His realism, taking into account the real opportunities and needs of the country, allowed in the conditions of market economy and international integration not only to survive, but also to start a new round of development of our university.

Today before the young generation open wonderful opportunities, but they also have a great responsibility for the future of our country, for the future of its international image. I want to congratulate all colleagues on the 90th anniversary of KazNU! I wish you prosperity and creative success!