26 march, 2024

Parasat" trade union of employees of Al-Farabi KazNU celebrated Shanyrak Day, which is celebrated on March 17. The purpose of the event was to popularize national family values. Families in which husband and wife both work in KazNU were invited to the meeting with the activists of the trade union. The chairman of the Trade Union "Parasat" employees of KazNU named after Al-Farabi T.K. Mekebayev made a speech. He emphasized that family is the most important thing in the life of every person - it is close and dear people, it is those whom we love, with whom we take an example, about whom we take care, whom we wish good and happiness.

Among the guests were married couples with different years of family life. The dean of the Faculty of History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Dosbol Suleimenovich Baigunakov and Gulmira Yesbatyrovna Sabdenova, Associate Professor of the Faculty of History, told about the art of creating a family, their family union is more than 20 years old. Arman Kabdeshuly and Makhabbat Toktarkyzy Zhumadil, senior lecturers of the Faculty of History with more than 30 years of family life shared their recipes of family happiness. Berik Kuanyshbayuly Dikhan, specialist of the campus and Anar Tishibayevna Ashirova, associate professor of philfaculty, told what unites them more than 30 years. Kanat Karakulovich Keldebekov, deputy dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and his wife Zhuldyz Maratovna Bekbauova, teacher of the Faculty of Oriental Studies recalled how they became a married couple 10 years ago.
First, the families took part in a mock quiz, where they had to answer questions from the history of their relationship. The "strict" jury checked the questions and determined the number of coincidences and discrepancies.
During the second task it was necessary to formulate their recipes for family happiness.
At the end of the evening T.K. Mekebayev once again congratulated those present on the wonderful holiday Nauryz and Shanyrak Day. From the trade union the participants of the contests received a certificate for a romantic dinner in a family restaurant.


Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union "Parasat" of KazNU employees