2nd round table of the Institute of Asian Studies: “Ethnic entrepreneurship in immigrant and diaspora environments”

28 march, 2024

On March 20, 2024, on the eve of Nauryz - the holiday of spring, renewal and unity of the people of Kazakhstan, the Institute of Asian Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held the 2nd round table on the topic “Ethnic entrepreneurship in the immigrant and diaspora environment.” The Institute of Asian Studies has developed a plan for regular academic events, the topics of which will be various aspects of diasporology - a relatively new direction in Kazakh science, contributions to which are made by such figures of Kazakh science as Kim German Nikolaevich, Mendikulova Gulnara Malbagarovna, Rakisheva Botagoz Islyamovna, Sadvokasova Aigul Kakimbekovna and others . The object of diasporology directly correlates with the goals of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s policy “Kazakhstan is one family”, taking into account the multi-ethnic composition of our state.

The following speakers - representatives of foreign countries - took part in the 2nd round table: Nadezhda Yuryevna Runova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Logistics, REU. G.V. Plekhanova, Russia, with a report on the topic “Ethnic or migrant entrepreneurship: approaches to defining concepts”, Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Yakimova, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the Department of Israel and Jewish Communities of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia - “Ethnoentrepreneurship in the Jewish Diaspora: features and patterns ", Afonasyeva Alina Vladislavovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, VNS Center for Social and Economic Research of China, Institute of China and Modern Asia RAS, Russia - “On the large business of the Chinese diaspora in the world”, Kim Yong Sun, Candidate of Economic Sciences, business consultant. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia – “Socio-demographic factors of entrepreneurial activity of the Korean population of the Sakhalin region”, Ledeneva Victoria Yuryevna, head of the department of ethno-demographic and integration processes - chief researcher at the Institute of Demographic Research of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences - “Entrepreneurial potential of migrant women: sociocultural aspect”, Mishchuk Svetlana Nikolaevna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Higher Scientific Research Institute of Demographic Research of the Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Demography Higher School of Modern Social Sciences (Faculty) of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Russia – “Ethnic entrepreneurship as a factor in the migration attractiveness of the regions of the Russian Far East at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries,” Gevork Aramovich Poghosyan, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, President of the Armenian Sociological Association, Doctor, Professor of Sociology, Armenia - “Problems of socio-economic integration of the Armenian diaspora in Russia”, Marianna Vladimirovna Smirnova-Seslavinskaya, editor of the project “Pioneers of Bible Translation (USA), member of the European Academic Gypsy Network at the Council of Europe - “Economy of migrant communities in pre-industrial societies and the traditional economy of Gypsies.”

It is also necessary to note the experts: Kim German Nikolaevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Asian Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Victoria Nikolaevna Mukha, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology of Law and Work with Personnel of the Kuban State Technological University, head of the scientific research laboratory of the State Autonomous Institution IDPO DTSZN (Moscow), Russia. Experts carried out extensive work to analyze the presented reports in order to analyze their content in real time and set the tone for the discussion, which was heated and fruitful. The round table program was developed by Kim German Nikolaevich and Efremov Efrem Arkadyevich, who was also the moderator.

Special mention should be made of the Director of the Department of Analysis and Ethno-Demographic Development of the Institute of Applied Ethno-Political Research, Dinmuhammed Gali, who actively took part in discussions on almost every topic of the speech, competently commenting and appealing to cases from Kazakh realities as examples.

Among the guests were many colleagues from abroad: Marine Grigorievna Gevorkyan (Yerevan State University, Armenia), Vilyur Yamilevich Akhmetov (Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia), Nikita Belenchenko (Belarusian State University, Belarus), Zhanyl Keneshevna Bokontaeva ( Issyk-Kul State University named after K. Tynystanov, Kyrgyzstan), Semra ER (Erciyes Üniversitesi, Turkey) and many others.

In conclusion, everyone, both speakers and listeners, exchanged their warm impressions of the event, expressed gratitude to the Institute of Asian Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, noting the professionalism of the organizers and emphasizing the relevance and necessity of creating such a platform that the Institute of Asian Studies provided to the participants.

The Institute of Asian Studies plans to hold such round tables on a regular basis. This will give impetus to both the development and strengthening of inter-institutional ties, as well as the development of the academic direction of diasporology in Kazakhstan on the basis of Al-Fabi Kazakh National University.