SDG 4. Educational event on the theme “March 21 – National Food Day”
At the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University an open educational hour was held on the topic «March 21 – National Food Day». The open educational hour was attended by teachers of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics, master's students of the specialty “Technical Physics” and 2nd year students of the specialty “Standardization and Certification”.
The Kazakh people have long consumed natural products. From the very beginning we realized that pure products are very beneficial for human health. Our ancestors, who were engaged in animal husbandry, prepared and consumed many types of food, especially from meat and milk of animals.
On National Food Day, let's work together to promote the delicious foods we have inherited from our ancestors!
- Increasing love for values and dishes for students using ethnic dishes.
- Cultivating patriotism, vision, deep thinking, and comprehensiveness in students.
- Mastery of the names of national dishes, introduction to the practical use of words with an increase in vocabulary, education of proper nutrition.
The great day of the people is distinguished by a rich feast. Usually meat and dairy products are included in the Nauryz holiday. Kazakh drinks such as kumyz, kymyran, shubat and ayran are also presented on the table. It is impossible to imagine a table without Nauryz kozhe. The purpose of the open lesson was to introduce students to forgotten and modern traditional dishes of our country. During the open lesson, basic information was given about products made from flour, meat and milk. Terminological and intellectual knowledge was confirmed through various interactive games. Kazakh cuisine, national games, traditions and proverbs were recalled as a practical connection through division into groups and quiz games.
Responsible organizers: Curators-advisers of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics of KazNU named after. Al-Farabi - Mukamedenkyzy V., Manatbaev R.K. and master's students of the specialty «Technical Physics» - Asylbek A.S., Mirmanova D.S., Orynbasarkyzy G.