SDG 4. Open curatorial hour “Day of Worship of History”Farabi University

SDG 4. Open curatorial hour “Day of Worship of History”

25 march, 2024

On March 25 at 14.00, a special open curatorial hour on the study of history was held for 1st year students of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics of the Teploenergetka educational program (group 137).

The day of celebration of Navruz is “Day of Worship of History.” For Kazakhs, yurts, girls and women in Kazakh outfits, wrestling, sheep breeding, altybakan, and national games are familiar scenes of the annual holiday. No matter what region of the country you visit, the celebration traditions are the same. And constantly updating the origins and history of our Kazakhs for future generations, making them relevant in accordance with the times and new requirements, will undoubtedly become a source of light.

Although Kazakhstan is a young country, its historical roots go back centuries. On this day we remember Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Akhmet Baitursynov, Mirzhakip Dulatov, Khalel Dosmukhamedov, Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev, Alash figures who made a great contribution to the glorification of the ideas of independence among the people, sacrificed themselves on the path of freedom and showed an excellent example of serving the country.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the foundations of the Kazakh political idea were laid thanks to the patriotism of the Kazakh people, who received an excellent education, had a broad outlook and created the first national government. They raised the self-awareness of the people to a high level, propagated the ideas of national liberation, and followed a consistent course to protect national interests.

The darkness and its suffering in the 1930s is one of the most difficult situations in the history of Kazakhstan. Today's generation must remember those who suffered innocently, those who were persecuted and the victims of famine, and this must be ingrained in the minds of future generations.

Whatever way of life a person chooses, he must know and respect the history, roots and origins of his country, and honor the courage of our ancestors for today's generation. Today's generation is indebted to the lions of Alasha. The Alash intelligentsia worked tirelessly for the independence of the Kazakh country in front of their native people. The goals, dreams, aspirations, and national idea of the nation's intelligentsia have elevated the spirit of the Kazakh nation and had a good influence on the spiritual growth and development of the current and future generations of our new society and will forever serve in the history of the nation.

When educating the younger generation in patriotism, along with spiritual values, it is necessary to deeply instill historical consciousness. This is the position of young people who want to know history. Knowing history, increasing your knowledge, feeling your roots is the civic duty of each of us!

“The Day of Worship of History” is very important for introducing national values into the life of a generation, instilling in them the national spirit, as well as familiarizing them with the national, spiritual, local history, art and folklore museums of the region. in order to instill in them a knowledge of their history, their country, their land. Because we need to educate young people who will rule the country tomorrow with a strong spirit. We must learn to recognize history, respect traditions, the language of our ancestors and grow up strong, inseparable from our roots. History Worship Day has such a great purpose.

“We must know that the independence we are achieving today was the dream of our ancestors!

Responsible for the event: Professor Moldabekova M.S., group curator Asembaeva M.K.