SDG No.7 - Low-cost and clean energy

28 march, 2024

Associate Professor of the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Aigarinov G. T. in accordance with the Plan of main events of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024, took part in a planned meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources on the topic "On the implementation of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of incentives and government support for attracting green investments and the widespread use of the best available technology.”
The event discussed the promotion of green technologies and business support to improve the competitiveness of the economy, the quality of life of the population and reduce the negative impact on the environment, the creation of a waste disposal system, the use of renewable and alternative energy sources, the discussion of economical and efficient use of ecosystems and proposals for solutions to topical issues, as well as the implementation of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.