KazNU discussed topical issues of ethnology, anthropology and museology

30 march, 2024

A scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of ethnology, anthropology and museology in the Eurasian space: traditions and innovations" was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The event was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the scientist, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences Amanzhol Kalysh.

The aim is to discuss current and fundamental problems of traditional and modern ethnology and anthropology of Kazakhstan and Eurasia, A.B. Kalysh's contribution to the development of national ethnology and historical local history.

The conference was attended by Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences Mambet Koigeldiev, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Historical Sciences Ablabek Asankanov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Hankeldy Abzhanov, Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay Gabit Kenzhebaev, famous scientists-historians, faculty and students of the university.

The meeting was opened by the head of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev, who noted the importance of today's scientific-practical conference.

"Kasym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev paid special attention to the preservation of historical issues and national values at the third meeting of the National Kurultai. "To move forward confidently, we must fully realise the scale of national history, protect and promote our cultural heritage," he stressed. Noting that the past, present and future of our country are closely intertwined with the historical heritage of our ancestors. Historians have great tasks to define the traditions of statehood of Kazakhstan, centuries-old guidelines for the development of the Great Steppe. Today's international conference will consider ways of solving these tasks and discuss topical issues of ethnology, anthropology and museology in the Eurasian space", - said the rector.

During the event there was a presentation of three books:  A. B. Kalysh. Gibratty ғұmyr", "Turkmens of Kazakhstan" and "Ethno-demographic processes in Afghanistan".

Scientists-historians Mambet Koigeldiev, Khankeldy Abzhanov, Ablabek Asankanov, Gabit Kenzhebaev, Serik Azhigali, Akhmet Tokhtabai, Rashida Kharipova and others spoke at the conference.
At the end of the event, the jubilee expressed his gratitude to the audience.

It should be noted that in the in-depth study of Kazakh ethnology is a great work of Amanzhol Boranbayuly. The scientist is the author of textbooks  "Ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the Kazakh people"," ethnic and ethno-cultural processes in modern Kazakhstan", "fundamental problems of ethnology". Amanzhol Kalysh in his works considered new requirements to historical heritage, made deep analysis, new conclusions concerning ethnogenesis and ethnic history of Kazakh people. Amanzhol Boranbayuly has published more than 600 scientific articles. His monographs and books have been published in the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University